Based on your observations, when are adolescents more likely to listen to their parents or to their peer groups when making decisions?

Do you think it is important that parents discuss gender roles with their young children, or is gender a topic better left for later? How do parents consider gender norms when buying their children books, movies, and toys? How do you believe they should consider it? (2.5 pts) Based on your observations, when are adolescents … Read more

Using the knowledge you have gained from the required readings and videos, you will demonstrate your understanding of the key distinctions and shared features of these two educational support plans and reflect on their influence on families.

Purpose: This assignment aims to explore the similarities and differences between an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and a 504 Plan, with a focus on understanding how Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act impacts families of children with special needs. Directions: Using the knowledge you have gained from the required readings and videos, you will … Read more

Evaluate the historical contribution of the authors’ work to the field by demonstrating how others have built upon and extended the main point(s) under discussion.

Overview During the session you will write six short papers (Modules 1 – 6) in which you discuss the “big ideas” of cognitive science. The reaction paper assignment will open on the first day of the module (Monday). The deadline for all papers is the last day of the module (Sunday). What a Reading Reaction … Read more

How does this thesis connect to the larger question how we as historians can intervene in the catastrophe that climate change seems to be.

Mike Davis piece will help you to understand better what the winds have wrought last week. have shortened the essay somewhat with respect to the downtown tenement fires he discusses. In two or three pages, present his case, distinguish his arguments, comment on his language, mention insights you gained, present objections, consider the case for … Read more

Create four 8 x 10-inch compositions on white groundsheets (in two-dimensional pieces, the paper on which an image is developed)

Create four 8 x 10-inch compositions on white groundsheets (in two-dimensional pieces, the paper on which an image is developed) that divide the page into a design that emphasizes line but develops interest in how the space is divided. Composition A will only use horizontal and vertical lines. Composition B will only use diagonal lines. … Read more

During and after watching (reading) the assigned video, using the following questions make notes: What is the author’s purpose?

1. Watch the following Classic Argument fromThe Great Debaters Complete the three activities below. Post the results to the Critiquing Argument Exercise discussion post before reading other student posts by the deadline. Following your response, post well thought through comments to three of your classmates’ posts. 2. During and after watching (reading) the assigned video, … Read more

Describe the use of stakeholder analysis in organizational change management. How will the identities of different stakeholders influence their views on change initiatives?

MBA 687 Module Two Memo Guidelines and Rubric Scenario As the HR consultant contracted to resolve issues related to miscommunication and workforce discontent at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider, you are expected to present a change readiness report and then submit a change management plan. You have read that stakeholder analysis … Read more

Discuss how the “death of a newborn” article illustrates Carper’s four ways of knowing (Empirical, Aesthetic, Personal, and Ethical Knowledge). in informing knowledge development in nursing and clinical practice.

Discussion Board #2 (Carper’s Way of Knowing) Ways of Knowing in Nursing Read the article, Sherman, D. W. (1997). Death of a newborn: Healing the pain through Carper’s patterns of knowing. Journal of the New York State Nurses Association, 28(1), 4-6. Actions Discuss how the “death of a newborn” article illustrates Carper’s four ways of … Read more

Social Work Question-Write a brief reflection acknowledging that you have read the portfolio assignment resources.

INSTRUCTIONS Look over the course syllabus and become familiar with purpose of the course and the assignments. This course requires you to demonstrate you have mastered the nine social work competencies during your time in the social work program. Throughout the course, you will be working on an electronic portfolio where you will upload several … Read more

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder and mode of transmission? Discuss data that support your decision.

PART 1: PICK ONE OF THE THREE (3) CASES Review the urinary infectious cases and determine the most likely cause, including pathogen and mode of transmission. Discuss data that supports your decision and treatment strategies. Case 1 A 50-year-old woman presented complaining of burning sensation when urinating and feeling like she has to go every … Read more