Media Reporting of Terrorism-Conduct an online investigation into how different media outlets report on terrorism and political violence.

Conduct an online investigation into how different media outlets report on terrorism and political violence. The objective is to analyze the similarities and differences in reporting, identify potential biases and levels of objectivity, and assess the broader patterns of how terrorism is portrayed in the media. You will write a three- to four-page APA-formatted paper … Read more

Your education background — what degrees have you earned and what colleges or universities have you attended?

Take this opportunity to get to know you a little better. So this weeks discussion will be an introduction. Please post your Introduction so that we know you are here and ready to go. This is where our learning community begins. Please introduce yourself and respond to the profiles posted by other students. The intent … Read more

Health and Medicine-provides detailed samples of what type of information should be included in each category of the Evaluation Table.

Using a two-step process evaluate and synthesize the external evidence results from two (2) of the strongest external studies retrieved during the search of the literature that supports the intervention of the PICOT question. These are the studies that answer the chosen PICOT question and directly relate to the chosen intervention. The studies must be … Read more

Based on the material from lecture and reading, answer the following questions:

Crime Data: NCVS The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is the primary source of information about nonfatal violent and property victimizations in the United States. In addition, the NCVS provides data that are not collected by the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), and chips away at the “dark figure of crime.” Based on the material from … Read more

Briefly describe each organization (including what type of company it is, what sector/industry it is in, etc.).

Section 1: The Organizational Profile—Part 2 For this week’s Assignment, you will continue to play the role of a consultant who has been brought in by the CEO of your selected organization to lead a tiger team. This week, you will continue to compile Section 1 of your playbook. Be sure to address the requirements … Read more

Understanding China’s Affinity for Leftist Regimes in Latin America-This research project seeks to address one question: what explains China’s affinity for left-wing governments in Latin America?

China maintains stronger partnerships with right-wings governments in the world, yet it is the opposite with Latin America countries. This research project seeks to address one question: what explains China’s affinity for left-wing governments in Latin America?

Writer’s Choice

The most important characteristics of a good survey are clarity, relevance, and reliability. My topic of choice is “Exploring the Dimensions of Smartphone Distraction”, containing a good variety of survey principles. Upon analysis of the Smartphone Distraction Scale, I see both strengths and potential improvements. A major strength is the items were reviewed by experts … Read more