Geogology chapter 3 discussion-What you decide to write about is entirely up to you. In order to receive full points, it should be clear to me that you have read and understood the chapter.

Read Chapter Three – entitled ‘Violent Face of Nature’ and reflect upon this chapter with an initial posting of at least 200 words to be followed by a second posting of at least 50 words, which is a response to a classmate’s posting. You must also find a news story (article or video) online that … Read more

Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Do not relate the metaparadigms to the theory you have chosen.

Your “Personal Philosophy and Theoretical Concepts” Paper is due this week. Your paper should contain the following sections: Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. This does not include future goals. The Four Metaparadigms: Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment. … Read more

Health and Medicine-Does the DSM pathologize normal behavior? Consider premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

P–Z: Does the DSM pathologize normal behavior? Consider premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In mainstream media, this disorder has often been described as “extreme PMS.” Consider minor depressive disorder. Does not everyone feel sad or down at some point during their life? Does this mean that such a person has a psychological disorder? This is one page, … Read more

Health and Medicine-In mainstream media, this disorder has often been described as “extreme PMS.” Consider minor depressive disorder. Does not everyone feel sad or down at some point during their life?

P–Z: Does the DSM pathologize normal behavior? Consider premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In mainstream media, this disorder has often been described as “extreme PMS.” Consider minor depressive disorder. Does not everyone feel sad or down at some point during their life? Does this mean that such a person has a psychological disorder?

Give clear description with supporting details-Providing your notes indicates active involvement and participation with the course materials.

1) Take notes of chapter reading. You are required to submit the notes you’ve taken from the chapter readings and lecture materials. This is a required step in order to gain access to the Chapter 1 homework assignment. Providing your notes indicates active involvement and participation with the course materials. 2) once the notes are … Read more

Describe how she honored her values in approaching the employee behavior she witnessed.Was it appropriate of Thorn to report the incident to HR? Provide your rationale.

This week’s Harvard Case highlights the effect of underperformance and biases in the workplace on leaders and discusses the role that leaders’ values can play in addressing such challenges. What leadership values did Thorn demonstrate? Provide examples of how she applied these to her effective team building efforts and how they aligned with organizational values. … Read more

Explain why it is so important to represent the organizations interests see exhibit 1.8 What are some possible consequences of not doing so? Please answer the above question with the instruction below. Please no plagiarism, and ENSURE that this document is in APA format.

Assume that you are either the staffing professional in the department or the hiring manager of a work unit. Explain why it is so important to represent the organizations interests see exhibit 1.8 What are some possible consequences of not doing so? Please answer the above question with the instruction below. Please no plagiarism, and … Read more

Business and Economics-Develop 4 customer satisfaction strategies, and list 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of each. Make a final recommendation based on your research. Use the change management processes and knowledge that you have gained in the previous assignments.

It has been a while since this VP has done anything relative to organizational design, but he has a desire to research the types of design that might help the organization become more customer focused again. The VP has a strong feeling and belief that a systematic redesign of the organization into a more contemporary … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-Historical Context: (1) Author: Who wrote the book? (2) Date: When was the book written?

Title Page: Name of program, title of paper, name of student, name of institution, course information, name of professor, & date (1 page). Scripture Passage: Select a brief passage from one of the Pauline Epistles (approximately 8-12 verses in length). Please use Galatians 3:19-29 Brief Exegesis: Write a brief exegesis paper on this passage (4-6 … Read more

Explain the relationship between data structures and algorithms and Discuss abstract data types.

Make sure you cite them and use references at the end of each assignment. Don’t use AI. 1st assignment is: Using pseudocode or python complete the following:I’m attaching a screenshot below with the assignment and written requirements. Check the screenshot below. Prepare you assignment offline in a word processing software such as Microsoft Office 2nd … Read more