Describe urinary tract infection, causes, symptoms and treatment

Treatments for Genitourinary Tract Disorders Based on Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources and experience, please answer the following questions: Describe urinary tract infection, causes, symptoms and treatment Discuss treatment for benign pro static hyperplane Describe overactive bladder, causes, symptoms and treatment Treatment options and recommendations for different STIs (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis) Submission Instructions: … Read more

What would you say to the new employees? Why is professionalism so important in the workplace? IF you had to provide a top-ten” list of professional workplace rules, what would be included?

For this assignment, you are to demonstrate your complete understanding of professionalism in the workplace, utilizing concepts and activities from the course. You are to provide your own thoughts to the questions below, and not copy something from the internet. (That’s not professional, it’s called plagiarism, and will result in failure of the course). Please … Read more

In this Reflection Paper, carefully consider the section Reading Like a New Critic.

Instructions Reflection Paper Purpose The purpose of this reflection paper is to work to make sense of what you read based on Literary Theory and reflect on questions within the reflection paper instructions. Reflection Paper Instructions In this Reflection Paper, carefully consider the section Reading Like a New Critic. Your job in this reflection is … Read more

When you go to the school be sure you are not interrupting the teaching/learning time of teachers or children. Ask the staff how they would like you to proceed with completing the checklist.

Open and print the Outdoor Environment Checklist above If you work at a preschool or elementary school, you may complete the checklist at your site. If you are not working at a school, you will need to choose and call a school and make an appointment to conduct your Outdoor Environment Checklist. This is why … Read more

Identify (list) 10 social statuses that you currently occupy.

Key to the analysis of micro-level social interactions are the concepts of: social status, social roles, status set, role set, role conflict, status strain, and social structure. This assignment ask you to apply these concepts to your current life by reflecting on the social dimensions of yourself. Review the definition and examples of these concepts … Read more

How you will develop needed skills by identifying specific resources that will help you in your development.

For this assignment, write a 6–8 page paper and discuss: -Your strengths in the area of ethics. -Areas of ethics where you think you need further development. -Your strengths in the area of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and those with individual differences. -Areas of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and those with … Read more

What do you think of Isaac’s situation and decisions in case study 1.4, “Working Two Jobs”?

Read Chapter 1 of textbook and Case 1.4 “Working Two Jobs”. Answer the following for a discussion board posting: What do you think of Isaac’s situation and decisions in case study 1.4, “Working Two Jobs”? Use any information from this chapter to comment. Textbook is Honest Work by Clancy Martin etc. available on Vital Source.

Prepare a report in Quantitative Methods. The work should be 1,000 words. we have to answer a question and an appropriate approach would be a research driven Fermi style investigation.

Business and Economics Prepare a report in Quantitative Methods. The work should be 1,000 words. we have to answer a question and an appropriate approach would be a research driven Fermi style investigation. We have to include graphs and the teacher suggested to use Python to make the graphs but other software are allowed as … Read more

The cyber security threats within IT field, How cyber threats are effecting our government. What measures are being taken to prevent these cyber threats.

The cyber security threats within IT field, How cyber threats are effecting our government. What measures are being taken to prevent these cyber threats. THE DISCUSSION DETAILS ARE- Here you can submit an outline of your final project paper. Before you begin your outline, go to the Assignments area of the classroom. Read what is … Read more

Persuasive claim- People that are older should have to take an in person driving exam at certain age to be deemed safe.

In an essay of 3-4 pages, address ONE persuasive claim, being sure to include the perspective of the opposition to your claim. Regardless of which argument you pursue for this assignment, start your essay with the claim (recall the discussion of editorials) and be sure to share any aspect that led to this claim. Any … Read more