Provide an example of how you might use the theoretical and operational definitions of your concept of interest in your future practice or research.

Based on Katie Erikson’s caritative theory, Discuss how the theory might be used to support nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). Include in the discussion the purpose of the practice application and how the concept of interest might be operationally defined in practice. Provide an example of how you might use the theoretical and operational … Read more

Think of historical or recent examples of leaders who adopted one of the five grid positions identified by Blake and McCanse. Which of these leaders was most effective? Why?

1. In what types of situations do you believe each of the leadership communication styles identified in this chapter would be most effective? Least effective? 2.Think of historical or recent examples of leaders who adopted one of the five grid positions identified by Blake and McCanse. Which of these leaders was most effective? Why? 3. … Read more

Explain this culture/mission disconnect and, in your view, what can be done to alter this disconnect.

The course name is Public Management – Innovation and Challenges. The needed is What is the difference between “organizational culture” and a public sector organization’s “mission”? For the last ~400 words of your essay, identify a public sector entity (NGO or Ministry or international organization) where the organizational culture may differ from its mission. Explain … Read more

Tourism Question-Understanding many of the unique services that biodiversity provides, and the threats to this biodiversity, what role does tourism play in promoting or destroying biodiversity?

Write a response that addresses the following: Understanding many of the unique services that biodiversity provides, and the threats to this biodiversity, what role does tourism play in promoting or destroying biodiversity? Support your argument using at least 3 citations from the course so far. In this, as in all your assignments, it is fundamental … Read more

Choose any visual artist (painter, sculptor, photographer, etc.) you like and write a 500 word research paper (typed, double spaced, 12 point font). Be sure to include the artist’s background information (birthplace, education, and training, etc.).

Choose any visual artist (painter, sculptor, photographer, etc.) you like and write a 500 word research paper (typed, double spaced, 12 point font). Be sure to include the artist’s background information (birthplace, education, and training, etc.). Also, write about 2 works that you like by this artist. Be sure to include the title of the … Read more

What role does technology play in transforming learning? Refer to a technology tool or app in your response.

The nature of teaching and learning is transforming due to the influence of technology and the creation of online learning environments. Develop an original response to the following questions: From your perspective, what are the characteristics of transformational learning? What role does technology play in transforming learning? Refer to a technology tool or app in … Read more

Social Work Roles: Micro-Mezzo (Community Crisis)-Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of the social work profession.

Overview Crises and disasters come in a variety of forms: physical, social, financial, and political. Disasters can be both natural and man-made. When the crisis or disaster impacts your community and you are a community agency director who is well connected with other social service agencies, you would be expected to use your agency services … Read more

Imagine your supervisor is excited about your volunteering program and is hoping that they will soon be able to demonstrate its effectiveness to executive leadership.

This week you will continue to work with the volunteering program you have imagined and begun thinking through. This week, you will imagine your supervisor is excited about your volunteering program and is hoping that they will soon be able to demonstrate its effectiveness to executive leadership. They tell you that you will need to … Read more