Describe in detail one of the designs in the play (choose between the set, the props, the costumes, the lighting, the sound). What do you think worked well and what could be improved?

Play 1 is a jazz play please called jazz live make up something please Instructions took place in Miami Florida Play Attendance must be confirmed before this may be submitted for credit. Based on the theatrical performance you attended, you will write a summary of the play, then respond to two of the following 8 … Read more

Information-Seeking Strategies Reflection-What were you looking for, and why?

The purpose of this essay is to reflect on how you search for and evaluate information in everyday or academic situations. Instructions: Write a 250-word essay describing a specific instance when you searched for information. This could be a personal experience (e.g., finding a restaurant while traveling) or an academic task. Use the prompts below … Read more

Week 3 Discussion: Companies That Fail-What are the environmental forces that would make them fail? Again, everyone must choose a different company so make sure you put the name of your company in the subject line.

THE RISE AND FALL OF BLOCKBUSTER The Rise and Fall of Blockbuster (8:27)Misreading the scope of external/internal forces can make or break a company. These two videos are great examples of how a company and industry failed to properly scan the environment and adjust their business models. In both cases, changing consumer habits and emerging … Read more

The importance of understanding assignments.-Write a reflective paragraph on the importance on understanding assigments and reflect the significance of identifying and understanding key words

Write a reflective paragraph on the importance on understanding assigments and reflect the significance of identifying and understanding key words (describe,state,state,suggest ),include appropiate in text citations for the video. 12 point times new roman font , double space the text and send submit it as a word document.  

Discuss why the chosen Behavior Over Time graph best represents the patterns present in the chosen case study.

A. Analyze one of the given case studies from the attached “Case Studies” document by doing the following: 1. Using the Iceberg Tool, write a summary of the analysis identifying key events, patterns, and the underlying structure that causes the identified events and patterns to occur. 2. Choose the Behavior Over Time graph that best … Read more

Select the article attached or that is related to your SPP topic which is “Can telehealth interventions by advanced practice nurses reduce emergency department visits and hospitalizations for patients with chronic diseases?

Qualitative studies employ an emergent design that allows for knowledge to be developed when researchers make ongoing decisions reflecting what they have already learned through participant interviews or open-ended written statements. An emergent design allows for a deeper exploration into the phenomenon of interest through an inquiry based on the realities and viewpoints of participants … Read more

Why do some people seem to think that they are better than others? Why do they feel that the rules don’t apply, and can do whatever they want? “People are just too sensitive” is something that has been said in one way or another to get away with bad workplace behavior.

PART 1——— This is a short one. (if you like this stuff here is the book link) IO psychology is the application of all that we have just talked about to make people work together better. Why do some people seem to think that they are better than others? Why do they feel that the … Read more

Is There a Relationship between People Experiencing Homelessness and Serious Mental Health Diagnoses?

Purpose: Paper 1 is designed to keep you on track with your graduate project by finalizing the sections of your proposal, including the Problem Statement, Literature Review, and Methods, in a professional writing format. Submit your updated paper, incorporating the feedback I provided last semester, and write it as if you are reporting a completed … Read more

Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Use the Basic Balanced Scorecard Template to create a balanced scorecard for each company. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Use the data given in Company A Information and Company A Financials to create a balanced scorecard for Company A. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual … Read more