Basic Principles and Characteristics of Behavior-Provide 2 examples to illustrate each type of Motivating Operation (MO). Note: you should submit 4 examples in total.

State and define the two types of Motivating Operations. Provide 2 examples to illustrate each type of Motivating Operation (MO). Note: you should submit 4 examples in total. When you explain your examples, be sure to specify the two effects of the motivating operation in the example with respect to (1) the value of the … Read more

Discuss the role of boundaries in the therapeutic relationship. Using Box 4.5 in your Wheeler text, which item(s) do you feel are the most likely to alert you to the signs of counter-transference. How do you feel this might be a challenge for you?

Discuss the role of boundaries in the therapeutic relationship. Using Box 4.5 in your Wheeler text, which item(s) do you feel are the most likely to alert you to the signs of counter-transference. How do you feel this might be a challenge for you? TABLE 4.5 TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS GUIDELINES 1. Professionals are aware of and comply … Read more

Evaluate the financials of the company by comparing current ratios to both historical and industry-average ratios.

Overview In your final project, you will assume the role of an accountant and complete the year-end adjustment process for your company using a provided workbook. This workbook is the first deliverable (Part I) of your final project. In Part II, you will analyze the provided financials of the same company and create a report … Read more

What role, if any, should “AI” have in filtering job applications? (For the final paper,Q: What role, if any, should “AI” have in filtering job applications?

4. “AI” in the job application process The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking”The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking”The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking” software to filter applications in to filter applications in … Read more

Considering what we have learned this term about presenting, what was your initial reaction after watching the video?

Failure to post initial participation discussion response by due date will result in 0 grade for that discussion. Participation discussion grading rubric: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROMPT: Clearly answer all questions. As Chapter 4 states, it is important for business professionals to know how to communicate with diverse audiences. Having cross-cultural communication skills in a diverse workplace are … Read more

Gender Issues in Treatment and Recovery-Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts and see if you can identify with or contrast their perceptions. Explore the implications of this further for work in human services.

Lesson 05 Discussion After reading the “Transcript for Lesson 5,” take the survey at the end and discuss you results. What do you attribute to your perceptions of gender in the scene? How does this inform you about your gendered style of verbal communication? Do you think that verbal skills for human services have a … Read more

Describe a scenario from your personal or professional experience that could have been improved using strategic planning.

Strategy Validation Tools Imagine a friend or family member had an idea for a business and asked you for guidance based on the knowledge and skills you acquired through your MBA program. Perhaps they simply wanted to take you to lunch one day to inquire about your thoughts, or they might have wanted you to … Read more

Describe cultural humility and support your description with at least one recent scholarly resource.

Cultural humility is a key feature of effective and ethical practice. To fully respond to another’s culture, we have to remember that we view it through our own cultural lens. Also, specific beliefs and practices of two cultures can conflict. This is often the case with the field of Applied Behavior Analysis and anti-ABA autistics … Read more

Explaining why you are making a recommendation is important for me to recognize if you understand the material.

Using your knowledge of branding, social media marketing, and social media content from the first four classes, review the scenario in the document and complete the questions on the following pages. Remember to think about the audiences and how they might discover the business for which you’re doing marketing. Important Note: Explaining why you are … Read more