In 1000 -1500 words in detail, write a written clinical details objective for geriatrics care settings that are measurable and show progression in nursing care… involving all care performed and all disease process,

In 1000 -1500 words in detail, write a written clinical details objective for geriatrics care settings that are measurable and show progression in nursing care… involving all care performed and all disease process, 2.Detailed Reflection logs for care provided on the geriatrics floor including the nursing process by Nanda Clinical site is at FINNISH AMERICAN … Read more

Select one applied research, action research, mixed methods, or program evaluation peer-reviewed research study published in an article related to your topic of interest.

DIVERSITY AND EXCLUSIVITY ON STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION Select one applied research, action research, mixed methods, or program evaluation peer-reviewed research study published in an article related to your topic of interest. All articles must be of educational studies conducted and published in the United States or Canada within the past five years. You … Read more

Safety Management and Audit-Explain the extent of using AI (e.g., occasional help, significant part of the process).

You are to provide proper references when you use other people’s ideas, words or pictures (including diagrams). All references should be provided in the American Psychological Association (APA) 7 format. Declare how you have utilized AI tools in preparing your report. The declaration should cover the following points: Non-Usage Declaration: If you did not use … Read more

Write 4 lines on research article about cognitive assessment in elderly pictures at least 3_4

Assignment -1 ( Cognitive Assessment) Introduction Purpose Explain the Cognitive Assessment with examples of below (any two) -Mini mental status examination -Mini cog assessment -Memory impairment screening -Aid to capacity evaluation Steps for Conducting the Assessment Interpretation of Results of each Assessment Write pros and cons of this tool (Write your point of view in … Read more

Effects on Individual Health & Lifestyle-How do family, friends, and community influence individual health and lifestyle? Identify at least 3 positive and 3 negative effects.

Effects on Individual Health & Lifestyle After reviewing Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following; How do family, friends, and community influence individual health and lifestyle? Identify at least 3 positive and 3 negative effects. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style … Read more

Provide two versions for summarizing: one with an introductory phrase and the other with parenthetical citation.

  Part One: Quoting Below, you will find five original texts, which are fragments extracted from previously published articles. Select one original text and quote a segment of the given text or the whole text. You are to provide two versions where one presents the text with an introductory phrase and the other version cites … Read more

Business and Economics-Watch the 3 videos shared above prior to starting your assignment. In the Gantt view, enter high level categories, commonly called Summary Tasks, for your project.

Assignment Instructions: This week we are going to do a tutorial on utilizing project management software (one of the free tools outlined below). Open your tool of choice (see options below). We will start to enter a project. You must make the assumption that the project charter is complete and signed. Watch the 3 videos … Read more

The different styles of Leadership below and state which one or which ones combined will make the most influential leader in healthcare organizations and why?

Chapter 13. Name and describe the characteristics of effective healthcare leaders. Additionally, see the different styles of Leadership below and state which one or which ones combined will make the most influential leader in healthcare organizations and why? Authoritarian Leadership. Participative Leadership. Delegative Leadership. Transactional Leadership. Transformational Leadership.

‘Define’ the Primary Mortgage Market, give some examples.

Questions: 1. ‘Define’ the Primary Mortgage Market, give some examples. 2. ‘Name’ and ‘Describe’ the Direct (Institutional) Lenders and the Indirect (Noninstitutional) Lenders, give some examples. 3. ‘Explain’ the term Disintermediation and why it has been happening for years now. 4. ‘Differentiate’ between a conforming loan and a portfolio loan. 5. ‘Discuss’ what a Real … Read more