Create an interactive animated visualization that allows users to find when their name (or someone else’s name) was most popular.

In this exercise you will be using Tableau Public to create an interactive animated visualization that allows users to find when their name (or someone else’s name) was most popular. Before Starting: See the Setup instructions in the module You need to sign up for Tableau Public and install Tableau Public Desktop Complete the introductory … Read more

How can we ensure that these statistical tools are used responsibly and do not perpetuate biases or lead to misleading conclusions? Are there instances where correlation is mistaken for causation, and how can we guard against this misinterpretation in practice?

Last week, we learned about the norms and basic statistics for testing. This week,  would like for you to think about the following questions. What are the ethical implications of using correlation and regression analysis to identify relationships between variables, especially in fields like healthcare, finance, and education? How can we ensure that these statistical … Read more

Explain how Trump Says He Expects Brand-New Computerized System for Air Traffic Control

Below are current event topics for a discussion post. All must be the most current/recent sources. At least 1 source each. Instructions attached and each event is separate: 1) NFL referees forced to respond to Kansas City Chiefs ‘conspiracy theories’ about bias. 2)Trump Says He Expects Brand-New Computerized System for Air Traffic Control 3)Google Scraps … Read more

Explain how you used global variables to develop a counter to keep track of the number of employees in the system.

This week you will develop the third functionality for the Employee Management System Project due in Week 5. For this assignment, you will Utilize looping to make your Python script for Functionality 2 (developed in Week 2) to run constantly. Separate Functionality 1 (developed in Week 1) into the following two functionalities: Add Employee – … Read more

Would universal healthcare improve healthcare access?

Create an argumentative essay outline for one of the topics provided below. Topics: 1. Should doctors be allowed to genetically modify unborn children at the parent’s request? 2. Should cellphones be banned from vehicles? 3. Would universal healthcare improve healthcare access? 4. Should corporations pay more taxes? 5. Should all companies provide paternity leave? After … Read more

Consider the benefits of a free Writing Consultation Links to an external site. before submitting the assignment to your instructor.

This is a multi-part assignment that spans all six weeks of the course. Refer to the Synthesis Project instructions to see how each week’s assignment fits with the others to complete a final draft due in Week 6. Write a 250- to 300-word analysis for each of the drugs you studied this week (Amphetamines, ICE, … Read more

Discuss how your chosen modality furthers your own research goals and claims.

Complete a Scholarship of Integration project using one of the following modalities: Scholarly writing Writing to a lay audience PowerPoint/Keynote/VoiceThread presentation  (or see Presentation Tools page for more options) Video Audio (e.g., podcast, with accompanying visuals) Your project should include: A clear statement of your POP.  My POP is exploring the discipline of African American middle school … Read more

Mental health acute care collaborative care plan-Develop a detailed plan for addressing these challenges when creating collaborative care plans with consumers.

Mental health acute care collaborative care plan This task asks yOu to critically engage with the study by Reid et al. (2018) on consumers’ perspectives of collaborative care planning in acute inpatient units. Your response should address challenges identifed in the study and propose solutions grounded in contemporary mental health approaches. Structure your response into … Read more