Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification-Describe collaboration approaches from the literature that could be relevant in establishing or improving an interdisciplinary team to address an organizational issue.

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, your participation and leadership in intra- and interdisciplinary teams will be vital to the health outcomes for your patients and organization. One way to approach designing an improvement project, and implementing change, is to become knowledgeable about the challenges that the organization is facing. To do this, you will interview a … Read more

What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth?

Interactive Discussion Board #1 Instructions For this discussion board, you are asked to reflect on the two “tribal youth in juvenile justice system” readings to answer the following questions: What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth? What are the contributing factors to crime committed by tribal youth? … Read more

How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery?

Using these 2 documents answer these question How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery? Primary Source Documents Your essay should be based on your reading and analysis of the primary source documents. Your paper should … Read more

Criminal Justice Question-Explain how the article relates to your own ideas or feeling. Demonstrate that you can apply concepts to your own experiences or observations. Be thoughtful. [1 to 3 paragraphs]

Write a summary of the above news article. Highlight key points. Use quoted text when helpful. [2 to 3 paragraphs] Explain how the article relates to concepts discussed in our course materials. Use the Table of Contents of the book and Handouts to remind you of the many potential relevant concepts. Demonstrate that you have … Read more

Developmental psychology-What interest does society have in minimizing the harmful substances a pregnant person is exposed to?

Overview More and more research suggests that exposure to substances such as lead, mercury, and air and water pollutants have negative effects on development. Here, we will focus on the many ways that developing embryos and fetuses are exposed to potential harm and ways to reduce such exposure. Part 1: Create one substantial response (aim … Read more

A cyber-attack impacting airline operations, airport infrastructure, or aviation data systems.

Review instructions and attached example file. A slide presentation is not required, just mirror the format of the attached example and include all required information. Terrorism, Cyber, and Uncrewed Aerial Threats Discussion Assignment: In-Depth Analysis on Aviation Security Threats   Task Overview: Based on your readings and research on threats from terrorism, cyber incidents, or … Read more

What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of human rights?

Choose a research article in which people were participants. The Article must be related to unethical practices during research. Consider the issue of protecting human rights. • a. How were human participant rights alluded to in the article? • b. What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of … Read more

What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of human rights?

Choose a research article in which people were participants. The Article must be related to unethical practices during research. Consider the issue of protecting human rights. • a. How were human participant rights alluded to in the article? • b. What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of … Read more

Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.

Section A: Business Concept: (50 points) Please describe the purpose of the selected company, including a detailed description of the product(s) or service(s) it offers to the market. Please answer the following questions in this section of your business plan: What benefits to the market does your product or service provide? How is your approach … Read more

Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.

Section A: Business Concept: (50 points) Please describe the purpose of the selected company, including a detailed description of the product(s) or service(s) it offers to the market. Please answer the following questions in this section of your business plan: What benefits to the market does your product or service provide? How is your approach … Read more