Explain The Discipleship Relationship Between Paul and Timothy

Paul and Timothy (Acts 16, 1 Timothy 1, 2 Timothy 1-2, 1 Thessalonians 3) Make notes of universal truths about discipleship that can be gleaned from this relationship. *Universal truths are principles found in scripture that are not specific to the original audience, but can have implications for the universal church across time, space, and … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-write about a Key figure in Christian history and write an 8 page research paper. The Key Figure you are to write about is clement of alexandria.

Must write about a Key figure in Christian history and write an 8 page research paper. The Key Figure you are to write about is clement of alexandria. Other instructions: The paper should be written according to Turabian style. Margins should be one inch, and 12-point Times New Roman font should be used. and at … Read more

Evaluate the causal statements using the 13 threats to internal validity

Internal validity (IV) is associated with the cause and effect statements researchers make. IV is the main aspect of the methods researchers use in a study. Internal Validity is concerned about making cause and effect claims based on the research design of a study. Hopefully, the design will eliminate revival hypotheses. Intimately related to the … Read more

Devotion and Finding Passages in the Bible-Explain what a devotion is and how to find a passage of Scripture in the Holy Bible.

Getting Start As a faith-based university, IWU works to integrate principles and passages from the Holy Bible, throughout our curriculum. To that end, you will often find that one of your assignments for the week is a “devotion”. We define a devotion as a time to think about and reflect on a spiritual concept, passage … Read more

How can we develop the fruit of the Spirit and know we are operating in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? What steps, in the transformation into the likeness of Christ, must we take?

Instructions: Devotionals are graded on a participation-only basis. For you to receive a grade of “complete” for the devotionals in each unit, you must write one original post, with approximately 150 words, in response to the instructor’s prompt for each unit. The content of the posting is not graded. Posts below 150 words will be … Read more

Criminal Law-Examine how victim-offender mediation is a transformative process.

Essay: The Effectiveness of Victim-Offender Mediation Assignment Instructions Overview In this assignment, you will apply the learning material meaningfully to clarify your understanding of victim-offender mediation in the restorative justice process. The victim-offender mediation process is when the victim is provided the opportunity to meet with their offender, with the purpose of engaging in a … Read more

Church planting-Without having our hearts and minds focused on the correct things, we will find every reason not to pursue a calling to build a church, and our likelihood of falling away greatly increases.

1. (Original Content Only) (Discussion board post) (450 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a must) Many church growth strategists still seek to promote systems and programming. However, as Charles Spurgeon stated, “Whatever call a man proclaims to have, if he has not been called to holiness, he has not been called to ministry.” Having … Read more