1. (Original Content Only) (Discussion board post) (450 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a must)
Many church growth strategists still seek to promote systems and programming. However, as Charles Spurgeon stated, “Whatever call a man proclaims to have, if he has not been called to holiness, he has not been called to ministry.” Having a desire and hunger for God is imperative because we serve a holy, righteous, and in-the-flesh King. Discuss other reasons why having a hunger for God would be essential for any church planter.
2. (Original Content Only) (Discussion board reply) (350 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a must)
Huntley initial post
Many books have been written about someone’s “why”. The why is the motivation and reason for doing something and ultimately a source of willpower and strength when challenges arise. Planting a church requires a tremendous amount of hard work and our why will be challenged. Understanding the Bible and God himself and his desire for us to know Him, praise Him, and walk in His ways becomes a bulwark for the late nights, mental strains, financial constraints, and doubt that many church planters feel.
Without having our hearts and minds focused on the correct things, we will find every reason not to pursue a calling to build a church, and our likelihood of falling away greatly increases.
The constraints of the world are considerable and things like fame, money, recognition, etc. are either not found as quickly or even ever when launching a church. It’s human nature to compare ourselves to others. While others may be getting steady paychecks and steady promotions, many church planters express beginning struggles that happened over the first few years and without a clear desire to do God’s work, the comparisons can be overwhelming.
Also, it’s important to be connected to God as the source of our strength and sustainment. While we can be surrounded by people who want our best interest, there are many stories of churches failing that supposedly had everything going for it: funding, staff, a playbook, but it is especially those times we must remember that without God, our church is going to fail. I would also say that there is a caution to have an unhealthy reliance on God. This is seen when pastors (surprisingly often in failing churches) seem to place the health of the church solely on God’s shoulders. “This is God’s church, not mine.” While a very factual statement, the church is God’s, it’s important to realize God uses us for His good works and to not fall into the category of villainizing God to make us look less culpable. Another reason why we need to understand God more is to ask for His strength to accomplish His mission.
In love,
3. (Original Content Only) (Discussion board reply) (350 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a must)
Greetings Class,
As a church planter, you cannot expect to lead people where you have not gone yourself in your walk with God. The people being led need to know that their pastor has gone before them, paving the way for them and setting a good example of what it is like to be holy. Church planters are role models for their congregation, and their visible passion for God sets the tone for the spiritual culture of the new church.
This idea of having a hunger for God has been preached several times recently at the church where have had the opportunity to be on the staff. The idea of hunger makes me think of the story in the Bible, where Jacob wrestles with God, and his name becomes Israel. He was so hungry for God to bless him that he refused to let go until God gave him a limp for the rest of his life. When you are hungry for the things of God, it will lead to complete life change in your life, which will lead to life change in those being led.
One additional reason why hunger for God is essential as a church planter is that a church cannot be led effectively without being led by God. I cannot know where to lead without the Holy Spirit’s guidance. A church built by a planter with a hunger for God is more likely to be Spirit-led rather than personality-driven. This focus ensures the church is grounded in God’s purposes, not just human efforts. Being “fed” spiritually helps me gain insight into how to lead others within the church I am leading. The daily bread can be served up weekly because I have feasted on it during the week.
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