In this unit we’ll discuss critical thinking and how it applies to visual media literacy. We’ll read multiple excerpts from Critical Thinking, which give us tools to observe and think critically about the visual information we consume – specifically images like memes and satiric/political cartoons on social media and news outlets. We’ll also read news and academic articles that discuss the effects of memes and other image-texts on our local and national communities.
The purpose of this assignment is to enter a conversation with the sources we’ve discussed in class. We’ll use critical thinking skills as we respond to the persuasive nature and effects of visual rhetoric on social media and other online platforms. This paper will allow you to create an argument that is supported by critical thinking/reasoning as you engage with other texts (an important aspect of academic writing).
Assignment Prompt
Write an essay that enters the conversation (and makes a persuasive argument) about visual images as:
political rhetoric,
and/or some other persuasive power of visual images.
Use at least two of the sources we’ve discussed in class to introduce the conversation, support your claims, and/or present a counterargument.
You may include one additional visual image as evidence/example of your claims.
This prompt is intentionally broad, which will allow for many different interpretations. Please avoid analyzing advertisements (no images that intend to sell a product/service), as we’ll venture into that field for Essay 2.
This assignment will require you to compose a focused question to answer and address.
Your argument must reflect the scope of the assignment, meaning you’ll need a thesis that you can adequately and fully argue and develop in approx 1200 words (3-4 double-spaced pages).
Your claims and analysis should draw upon the terminology and discussions within our assigned readings; to avoid relevant terms will suggest a shallow understanding of our course material.
Suggested Tasks for Getting Started
First, ask questions about what you’ve read. Answer the one you believe will provide the most rewarding and thought-provoking process. How will you focus and approach an answer that is both credible and supported?
Choose at least two course texts that address that focus and find specific passages, quotes, or sections that are especially relevant to your argument. You may find one additional visual image to address in your essay, but do cite this source accurately. Consider how you will use all of these texts. Will they primarily be a way to introduce the conversation? Will they be a main focal point of your argument? Will they be used as counterarguments or support for your own argument?
Essay Requirements
3-4 pages, double-spaced (This does not include the Works Cited page)
MLA format 9th edition: 12-point, Times New Roman Font; 1″ margins; in-text citations and Works Cited page in MLA 9th ed format.
Must use at least 2 of the texts we have worked with so far this semester
A unique title that accurately portrays your thesis
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