Consider the availability of financial data in your selection. Two example projects are attached for your review to help you better understand the scope of analysis required for this project.

You are required to develop a financial analysis of a healthcare organization. The intent of this assignment is to evaluate the financial and operational health of the company.

You may pursue, analyze and synthesize any information source you choose (e.g., website content, current resident personal interviews, organizational documentation, etc).

During the development process you will also be asked to review the work of some of your peers, provide feedback, and help support their development effort.

This will also help you (1) learn about other organizations and (2) benchmark your efforts against the work of your peers. Your content should be clear, logical, and report on (at a minimum) the business’ location(s) direct competitors, and competitive market(s). From a financial perspective, your final presentations should contain analysis and discussion on 2- 3 ratios from each of the primary financial ratio categories discussed in Week 3 (e.g., liquidity, profitability, operating efficiency, and capital structure). A five-year trend analysis – including the most recent year of available information/data – is expected for each ratio selected. Interpret the ratios, the financial and market trends, and provide your perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

Don’t just report the data. Tell me what it means. Ultimately, we want to know if the organization is financially sound and has strong long-term growth prospects. Why or why not?

Grading will focus on content development, depth of analysis, and professionalism of delivery. Your final deliverable is a presentation of no more than 10 minutes in length, developed in a MS Powerpoint slide deck suitable for presentation to the Board of Directors or a C-Suite executive team. Examples of prior student projects will be provided for review and development guidance. For this week, simply identify what organization you want to evaluate for your analysis assignment. A single PPT slide that includes the organization’s basic information, location, etc is fine. Please note: publicly traded for-profit organizations will be MUCH easier to analyze than not-for-profits.

Consider the availability of financial data in your selection. Two example projects are attached for your review to help you better understand the scope of analysis required for this project.

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