Create a presentation that highlights those aspects, and includes analysis of how these elements contribute to the film’s form and purpose by focusing in-depth on key scenes.

One of the fundamental elements of film studies is the understanding and appreciation of mise-en-scène. We’ve covered different aspects of mise-en-scène, and now we can apply these concepts to a single film.


In groups, choose a film that effectively illustrates important aspects of mise-en-scène in an interesting or striking way. Create a presentation that highlights those aspects, and includes analysis of how these elements contribute to the film’s form and purpose by focusing in-depth on key scenes. Use concepts and terms covered in class, and consider how filmmakers wanted audiences to react, or what they may have wanted audiences to understand about the film’s subjec

Presentation Content: Since this is a presentation, and not an essay, you will be able to be direct and condense your analysis. With that being said, it would not be enough to simply have an image on one slide, and a bullet point with a film term next to it. For example, if you want to analyze a film’s use of setting and how it contributes to mise-en-scène, it would not be effective to simply include an image and “ – Setting” next to it. Give more details on how these concepts contribute to the film’s form and purpose.


Each project must include at least 3 outside credible sources that are referenced in the project. These sources must be evaluated for credibility and must be appropriate for the college level – scholarly sources are highly recommended: Wikipedia, SparkNotes, CliffNotes, Shmoop, and other study guide references are not appropriate for this project. Please use MLA format for citations, and include a Works Cited (at the end of the presentation). The textbook may count as a source; the film does not count as a source. You are encouraged to consult with librarians and use the library database to find additional scholarly sources.


The presentation should include visual aids (Google Slides, PowerPoint, or other presentation programs may be used)
Presentations may include videos/voiceovers (though not required)
5-7 minutes in length to review
At least 3 outside credible sources
Content can be determined by the creators, and must abide by the university’s standards and policies of Student Conduct

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