Discuss independence and conditional probability

Purpose of the assignment:

In this assignment, we will work on the following learning objectives:

1. Discuss independence and conditional probability
2. Apply Bayes rule and law of total probability
3. Compute error probability for binary communications
4. Derive PMFs
5 Calculate moments of discrete random variables
6. Identify specific discrete probability distributions
7. Use discrete random variables to evaluate communication channels


On the first page in the upper right-hand corner, write your first and last name, homework number, and course number.
Your solutions to the problems must be in the correct order.
Solutions can be hand-written or typed. Answers should be boxed or highlighted. There should be a logical flow to your homework. Solutions must be clear and you must include how you reach your results. Writing only the final solution is not acceptable.

Use a computer or a ruler when making drawings.
All supporting material to solve a problem such as MATLAB codes should be submitted with the homework.
Please be neat and write legibly. If the grader can’t read it, we will have to assume it is incorrect.

Written solutions may be scanned into the computer and submitted as a pdf. Make sure document is readable before submitting. Adobe Scan is a free app that can be used to make a pdf from your smartphone.
Students may not use a solutions manual or copy any part of an assignment from another student, including those from previous years.

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