Discuss the implications of the Rashomon effect for one of the organizational behavior and management issues listed below

Discuss the implications of the Rashomon effect for one of the organizational behavior and management issues listed below (pick only one):

Option 1 – Interpersonal conflicts at work

One of your project teams consisting of five team members does not get along. Two of the team members are good friends and are always seen chatting informally during breaks. The other three team members socialize but spend more time during breaks with members of other teams. Lately, different members of the team have come to you, complaining the other team members do not respect agreed upon deadlines, processes and tasks. Everyone seem to be pointing fingers and presenting a different view on the same issues.

Option 2 – Rewarding individual members of group-based projects
One of your project teams has been working several months on a special project. This is the first time for the team members are working together as they normally reside in different departments. The team is delivering on all its goals and timelines, but lately you have heard whispers that the team is fragmented and does not get along. Several members of the team have started to complain that they carry a greater load than others; yet all team members seem to be of that opinion.

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