The scenario on which your project is based centers around a small make-believe city called Green River. In this scenario you are a member of the city’s Emergency Operations Planning Team.
In order to be able to complete these first two steps you will have to watch the Green River Project and Briefing Videoin this module and carefully take notes on what hazards you should be worried about as you conduct your hazards analysis.
Watch my Hazards Hints video to make sure you are identifying actual hazards. Use your critical thinking and creativity skills. Do not be afraid to conduct research on some of the critical facilities and hazards mentioned to determine what could be hazardous about them, and what secondary consequences might result from some of the hazards. Think outside of the box.
Step 1
For Step1 of your planning project, you will simply list all of the major hazards (in a bullet list) that you believe the City of Green River should worry about and plan for…just a list. have provided a Step 1 and 2 template in the Module to make sure you are identifying the correct number of hazards (between 7 and 9). will mention some hazards directly in the video, others you will have to use your own knowledge from this course and a little creative energy to come up with on your own, based on things or facilities that I talk about as we go around the city. Consider how to name the hazard. Check out a city or county hazard analysis online to get ideas if you are not sure. Just make sure they are present in Green River. For example….
Step 1 – List all possible hazards or cascading hazards that you can identify for the City of Green River
1. earthquake
2. hazardous materials
3. ……..and so on
Step 2
Then for Step 2 (due at the same time as the first step – just add it as Step 2 on the same word document as your first step), Again, I suggest that you use the Step 1 and 2 Template provided to help you organize what I am looking for. As you see on the template, first list your hazard from your Step 1, then indicate why it is a hazard for Green River, e.g., earthquake is a hazard because Green River is located in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a Zone 4 risk. Then talk about any contributing factors that makes this more of something we should be concerned about. For example, older buildings not built to code, and the amount of fill dirt downtown that could lead to liquefaction, (and as a result more building/infrastructure damage) could be listed there.
And finally, what major consequences or secondary events would you expect in an earthquake…e.g., Building damage, particularly high rises, Infrastructure damage, possible dam failure as a secondary cascading event that could cause a greater disaster event would be some of the things you could list there.
Questions….IMPORTANT. This is a different type of assignment from what many of you are accustomed to. It is designed to make you think like an Emergency Manager. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact myself or Natalie. Do NOT ask your fellow students. In the past, this has resulted in group think and a lot of lower grades on the assignment from approaching it incorrectly. Go to the source. That is what we are here for. want you to do well on the assignment, but also want you to understand what you are doing.
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