Explain and describe what you are doing so it makes sense from a business perspective.

Note: On page 3 of this lab it has instructions to create a Salesforce account. If you already completed the “Salesforce Sign Up” assignment you can skip that portion of the lab.

The Salesforce labs are self-driven and it will require you to utilize the resources provided to you such as the lab assistants, your instructor/lecturer, other students in class, and the online support forums

Each student is expected to submit their own work for each lab. In other words, this is not a group assignment.

The lab assignments are written as a blog of a fictitious 188 student who gets involved in a startup company. In the past we have found this format makes the material more interesting than the prior lab format we used from the book publisher. Hopefully you will also find this format more interesting and engaging.

As you do the lab, the instructions are numbered (mainly so if you run into any problems, it’s easy to communicate what step you are on in the assignment). Please read the text between the numbered instructions – these often explain and describe what you are doing so it makes sense from a business perspective. If you get confused on a step, be sure you have not skipped over these descriiptive parts of the instructions.

When the instructions say to use specific field names, formats, and data types, please be sure to use them. The labs build on each other, and it will be difficult to complete later labs if you named your tables (objects) and fields differently from what is stated in the lab assignment.

As you go through the lab steps keep in mind the Pre-flight Checklist’s Learning Objectives.

It’s a good idea to run the grader app at every checkpoint, so you can see any mistakes so far & how to fix them. (Just ignore errors about steps you haven’t done yet.)

But be sure to run the grader app at the end of the lab, at least, before going on to the next one so
you don’t lose your work! (See to an external site. for grader app installation/info.)

Login information will be available to the assigned writer.

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