Explain General Survey and it’s relevance in health assessment of individuals. List and discuss the component parts of a general survey.

Please respond to Elizabeth’s post

1. Discuss genomics and precision medicine based on Seidel’s Chapter 1 and CDC listed under reading materials for the week.

2. Explain the terminologies genetics and genomics How would you as a nurse prepare yourself with genetics/genomics knowledge and utilize this knowledge in comprehensive health assessment and nursing practice.?

3. Explain General Survey and it’s relevance in health assessment of individuals. List and discuss the component parts of a general survey.

Elizabeth’s response-

According to Seidel’s guide, an increasing amount of research looks into genomics to predict illness susceptibility and response to medical therapy, which studies numerous genes and their interactions with environmental variables. Many think that by combining genomics and other molecular breakthroughs with data sharing, sophisticated data analytics, and digital health platforms, precision medicine will revolutionize how healthcare is delivered. As healthcare professionals, we must learn to incorporate precision medicine into our clinical practice (Ball et al., 2023).
The CDC employs precision medicine and genomics to enhance public health, detect and cure illnesses, and stop their spread. Public health genomics identifies populations at risk for disease and develops interventions to prevent and treat it; pharmacogenomics helps providers choose the right drug and dose based on patient genes; pathogen genomics helps track the spread of infectious diseases and develop treatments and vaccines; and genome sequencing identifies germs’ DNA to track spread.

While “genomics” studies the entire set of an organism’s DNA, including all genes and their interactions, offering a more comprehensive view of genetic impacts on health and disease, “genetics” refers to studying individual genes and how they are transferred from parents to offspring. As a nurse, I am learning to collect detailed family histories, identify individuals at risk for genetic conditions, interpret genetic testing results, educate patients about genetic risk, and advocate for appropriate genetic counseling and care (Dewell, 2023).

A “General Survey” is a preliminary, comprehensive assessment of a patient’s vital signs, behavior, mobility, and general appearance. It gives a first impression of the patient’s health and is an essential first step in a thorough health assessment. A “General Survey” enables medical professionals to spot possible issues before beginning a comprehensive physical examination by examining physical appearance, mental state, mobility, and behavior. Relevance for the General Survey is for the early detection of potential issues, the baseline for comparison, and guides for further evaluation. An essential consideration when completing the General Survey is collecting data; it can be subjective and objective, but make sure it can be distinguished between the two. Also, be aware of cultural sensitivity, observe continuously throughout the encounter, and note any changes (Ernstmeyer & Christman, 2021).
The key components of a General Survey are as follows:
Physical Appearance
Body structure
Dress and grooming
Skin condition
Facial features
Mental Status
Level of consciousness
Mood and affect
Speech patterns
Range of motion
Eye contact
Nonverbal cues
Verbal communication
Emotional state

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