Explore and evaluate the ethical issues related to the selected wearable technology used in health and wellness.

Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies
The purpose of this assignment is to explore and evaluate the ethical issues related to the selected wearable technology used in health and wellness.

Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Demonstrate how current and emerging information and communication technologies are utilized to address the needs of a diverse population. (POs 3, 4)
CO 3: Explain how data from relevant technology sources informs the delivery of care and institutes change. (POs 2, 4)
CO 5: Apply ethical, legal, regulatory, and professional standards to the use of information systems and communication technologies. (POs 2, 6)
Due Date
Students must complete the Week 5 Part 2: Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies assignment and submit it to the Dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.

Late Assignment Policy
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction as noted in the rubric below.

Total Points Possible
This assignment is worth 175 points.

Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.


Complete the Part 2: Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies template, following the steps below.

Download the Week 5 Part 2: Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies templateLinks to an external site.. Use of this template is required. A 10% deduction will be applied if the template is not used. See the rubric.
Save the template and include your name in the file name.
Use the wearable technology you selected in the Week 3 Part 1: Examining Wearable Technologies assignment to complete the template.
Use information from the Week 5 lesson and at least two scholarly sources from the Chamberlain Library to complete the template on your chosen wearable technology.
Correctly cite and reference ideas and information from scholarly literature. Sources should be no more than five years old unless they are historical references. Include Chamberlain Library permalinks.
Follow grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with professional writing.
Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.
Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric). Answer the questions under each section with explanation and detail.


What are privacy concerns related to what personal data is collected?
What are the concerns surrounding who has access?
What are the security concerns surrounding data storage?

What are the special considerations for using the wearable technology by minors or individuals with specific vulnerabilities? What steps are taken to prevent misuse or harm in these cases?
What strategies can be implemented to ensure equitable access and benefits in using wearable technologies across different socioeconomic groups?
Does the manufacturer provide sufficient training or educational resources to users to ensure the safe and appropriate use of the wearable technology? Are the resources culturally sensitive and suitable for diverse users?

What are the potential risks associated with the use of this wearable technology?
In cases where the wearable technology malfunctions and causes harm, who should be held liable: the manufacturer, the software developer, the provider, or the user? Why?
Who should bear responsibility if a data breach or unauthorized access leads to identity theft or harm?
Informed Consent

Explain how users receive instructions about the potential risks of using the wearable technology. Are these instructions written in clear and simple language?
Explain how the informed consent agreement specifies the data collection and usage purpose. Can the data be used for secondary purposes? Is this information clearly disclosed, and do users have the option to consent or decline?
Explain the process in place to obtain the users’ informed consent regarding these risks.

Answer all questions/criteria with explanation and detail.
A minimum of two scholarly sources with permalinks from the Chamberlain Library are used.
Answers are written using professional language.
Scholarly sources pertain to the topic and are no more than five years old unless they are historical references.
Removes [Text Boxes], uses proper font, and maintains the template format.
Citation and Reference Formation

Use the current APA format to format citations and references and is free of errors.
Writing Requirements

Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
Submit the completed Part 2: Ethical Issues with Wearable Technologies template to the Week 5 Dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.

NR361_W5_Wearable Technologies Ethics
NR361_W5_Wearable Technologies Ethics
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Privacy
3 Required Criteria

Answer the questions with explanation and detail.

1. What are privacy concerns related to what personal data is collected?
2. What are the concerns surrounding who has access?
3. What are the security concerns surrounding data storage?
35 pts
All requirements met.
29 pts
2 requirements met.
18 pts
Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.
0 pts
No requirements met.
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Equity
3 Required Criteria

Answer the questions with explanation and detail.

1. What are the special considerations for using the wearable technology by minors or individuals with specific vulnerabilities? What steps are taken to prevent misuse or harm in these cases?

2. What strategies can be implemented to ensure equitable access and benefits in the use of wearable technologies across different socioeconomic groups?

3. Does the manufacturer provide sufficient training or educational resources to users to ensure the safe and appropriate use of the wearable technology? Are the resources culturally sensitive and suitable for diverse users?
35 pts
All requirements met.
29 pts
2 requirements met.
18 pts
Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.
0 pts
No requirements met.
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Liability
3 Required Criteria

Answer the questions with explanation and detail.

1. What are the potential risks associated with the use of this wearable technology?

2. In cases where the wearable technology malfunctions and causes harm, who should be held liable: the manufacturer, the software developer, the provider, or the user? Why?

3. Who should bear responsibility if a data breach or unauthorized access leads to identity theft or harm?
35 pts
All requirements met.
29 pts
2 requirements met.
18 pts
Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.
0 pts
No requirements met.
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Informed Consent
3 Required Criteria

Answer the questions with explanation and detail.

1. Explain how users receive instructions about the potential risks associated with using the wearable technology. Are these instructions written in clear and simple language?

2. Explain how the informed consent agreement specifies the data collection and usage purpose. Can the data be used for secondary purposes? Is this information clearly disclosed, and do users have the option to consent or decline?

3. Explain the process in place to obtain the users’ informed consent regarding these risks.
40 pts


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