From the standpoint of social change, do you think that the purely doctrinal study of law is sufficient?

Discussion Topic

Read the article below and with reference also to the reading from unit1 (Watkins, D. & M. Burton (eds.), Research Methods in Law. (2nd edn, Routledge Ltd 2018), pp.23-31.) and unit 2 (Watkins, D. & M. Burton (eds.), Research Methods in Law. (2nd edn, Routledge Ltd 2018), pp.23-31; 7-23). answer the following question.

R L Schwartz ‘Internal and External Method in the Study of Law’ (1992) 11(3) Law and Philosophy 179-199

From the standpoint of social change, do you think that the purely doctrinal study of law is sufficient?

Additional Reading from untis 1&2 for sources:

M V Hoecke (ed.) Methodologies of Legal Research (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2011), 111-122

T Hutchison and N Duncan, ‘Defining the Doctrinal’, (2012) 17(1) Deakin Law Review 83

E H Tiller and F B Cross, ‘What is Legal Doctrine?’, (2006) 100(1) Northwestern University Law Review 51

M Salter and J Mason, Writing Law Dissertations: An Introduction and Guide to the Conduct of Legal Research (Harlow, Longman 2007) 5-13; 31-43.

M V Hoecke (ed.) Methodologies of Legal Research (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2011), 1-18.

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