How can ecological systems theory be integrated into assessment, intervention, and evaluation for your chosen character from the case study?

In the Week 3 assignment, you identified and analyzed a specific developmental theory to apply to a case study from a chosen film. In this assignment, you will build on the work you have done by analyzing ecological systems theory and deciding on an actual application from a person-in-environment perspective.
As with last time, it is vital to support the application of your chosen theory with scholarly research.

Assignment Instructions
Make sure that you are introducing your chosen character and provide an explanation of their presenting problem from your chosen case study.

The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. For this assignment, complete the following:

Explain the key components of ecological systems theory to apply to the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of your chosen case study.

Which aspects ecological systems theory are the most applicable and relevant to your chosen case study?

How can ecological systems theory be integrated into assessment, intervention, and evaluation for your chosen character from the case study?

Make sure you cite appropriate and relevant scholarly and professional resources to support your explanation.

Assess the chosen character from the person-in-environment perspective.

For a person-in-environment perspective, you might want to ask yourself the following questions.
What systems provide the client support?
What systems may be hindering the client?

Systems to consider include family, friends, work, social services, politics, religion, goods and services, and educational systems.
Include your chosen character’s intersectionality in your assessment.

Describe an intervention based on ecological systems theory that is applicable and relevant to the chosen character.

Discuss two short-term and two long-term goals for the client by applying systems theory to contextualize the appropriateness of your chosen intervention.

Consider how to make the intervention appropriate for diverse clients.

Make sure you cite appropriate and relevant scholarly and professional resources to support your intervention.

Evaluate the chosen intervention.

Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the intervention from an ecological systems perspective.

Describe the benefits of an ecological systems perspective within the context of personal social work practice.
Note how this perspective can guide social work practice when engaging with diverse individuals and families.

Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.


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