How will you assess whether the program is being delivered equitably?

This is the second part of the 3-part assignment to design an evaluation for a health program. Previously, you worked in groups to develop a logic model that provided a concise visual overview of the program’s key components and intended outcomes. Now, using the feedback you received, you should update the logic model, describe the program in further detail, partially design how it will be implemented, and describe how you will evaluate whether the program has been implemented as intended (in other words, you will be designing your process evaluation of the program). A good process evaluation is key to understanding both successes and failures in achieving a program’s intended outcomes. If a program is not well implemented, then it is unreasonable to expect it to achieve its planned outcomes.
Please note that there is a template for this assignment. You do not have to use it, but you are welcome to. The assignment should include three key components:
Using feedback received, update and include your group’s logic model. At the beginning of the document, in a brief paragraph no more than half a page long, explain the changes you made in response to the feedback. If the feedback did not suggest changes, please just say that.
A concise program description that summarizes the following information:
The health problem(s) the program is trying to address
The program’s theory of change, which concisely articulates a logical connection between program activities and its intended outcomes
The program’s context: its history, the contexts in which it was created and/or operates, and population of interest
Evidence that the health problem exists and evidence in support of the program’s approach to addressing the problem
The program’s implementation plan, which describes who is involved in the program’s implementation; what activities they will undertake, how, and when; and how this would lead to the intended outcomes
3. A plan for conducting a process evaluation that:
Begins with the activities from your revised logic model
For each activity, provides a clear question that the process evaluation will address
For each activity and question, provides a SMART process measure (SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
A description of how and when data collection for each process measure will occur
4. A brief discussion of equity issues in planning your process evaluation
How will you assess whether the program is being delivered equitably?
Length: 5 pages, including any tables or images (does not include list of references or appendices)
Font: 12 pt Calibri or 11 pt Arial (tables should be 11 pt Calibri or 10 pt Arial)
Margins and line spacing: 1-in margins and 1.5 spacing (tables should be single-spaced)
Evaluation of your work
This assignment will be graded using the rubric below. This rubric establishes a set of descriptive criteria that indicate what appropriate quality of work looks like for the assignment. Please make sure that the assignment you submit addresses each criterion. You will receive explicit feedback if your work on this assignment needs attention or was of a particularly exemplary quality. This is an individual assignment. You are to work alone, and you will receive an individual grade.
Program Description, Implementation Design, and Process Evaluation Rubric
Program Description, Implementation Design, and Process Evaluation Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatFollows length, margin, and font requirements for this assignment

Includes in-text citations and list of references

Uses bullets, tables and other formatting to highlight for the reader the most important topics
2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationIs well organized, with logical flow from beginning to end.

Has language to transition from section to section, paragraph to paragraph, and table to table.
2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentExplains how you are responding to feedback received on your logic model.

Provides an updated logic model.

Summarizes what the program is trying to accomplish, why, and how.

Provides good evidence to support the program’s theory of change.

Has an implementation plan that specifies who will implement specific program activities, how and when.

Selects process measures (outputs) that flow from the planned activities and that, taken together, provide a strong picture of whether the program has been implemented as intended.

Has SMART process measures.

Summarizes how and when data collection for each measure will occur.

Assesses whether the program is being delivered equitably.
17.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritingUses correct spelling and grammar

Cites evidence when required and quotes/paraphrases appropriately

Minimizes the use of jargon and unfamiliar acronyms

Employs precise public health/program evaluation terminology
2.5 pts


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