How would the impact on conflict resolution be different, from your assigned perspective, if the healthcare setting had a highly diverse staff?

Step 1: Review the scenario below.

You are a preceptor training a nurse who is new to your floor. One client in your shift assignment has Sickle Cell Anemia and requires a complex regimen of oxygen, intravenous (IV) fluids, and pain medication to manage their illness. During interprofessional team rounds, the new nurse states, “I think this client is just seeking pain medication and they aren’t really in that much pain. We should stop giving them so much medication and consider discharge to make room for clients with real illnesses.”

The conversation stops and interprofessional team members are unsure what to say to address the new nurse’s statement. Everyone is upset by her statement, and they begin to argue. The attending physician tells everyone from the team to pause rounds and meet in the conference room in five minutes to resolve this conflict.
Your assigned perspective is based on the first letter of your last name in the chart below.

Last Name Perspective

A – F You are assigned to consider the different components of this scenario through the perspective of implicit and/or explicit bias.
Step 2: Answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.
Paragraph one: A supportive work environment is crucial to resolving conflict in any healthcare setting. What is the impact of your assigned perspective on conflict resolution within the interprofessional team? Paragraph two:

Different work environments bring their own unique challenges and opportunities. How would the impact on conflict resolution be different, from your assigned perspective, if the healthcare setting had a highly diverse staff?

Paragraph three: Engagement from all levels of staff is vital to understanding and addressing conflict. From your assigned perspective, how can engagement from staff contribute to understanding and addressing conflict resolution?References: Provide complete references for all citations.

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