How you will develop needed skills by identifying specific resources that will help you in your development.

For this assignment, write a 6–8 page paper and discuss:

-Your strengths in the area of ethics.
-Areas of ethics where you think you need further development.
-Your strengths in the area of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and those with individual differences.
-Areas of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and those with individual differences where you think you need further development.
-How you will develop needed skills by identifying specific resources that will help you in your development.

Note that:
Clinical psychology learners must refer to specific standards within the APA code of ethics.

Your submitted assignment should be 6–8 pages in length, excluding the title page and references page, and should reference at least six resources. Be sure to adhere to APA guidelines for style and formatting. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. and Academic WriterLinks to an external site. for help.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment , you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:

Competency 2:
-Evaluate your own skills, understanding, and attitudes as they relate to legal and professional ethical standards.
-Evaluate one’s own skills and understanding in the area of professional ethics and identify one’s strengths.
-Identify the skills and understanding in the areas related to ethics in need of further development.
In the area of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and those with individual differences, evaluate one’s own skills and understanding and identify one’s strengths.
-In the area of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and those with individual differences, identify the skills and understanding in need of further development.
-Identify resources to aid in skill development.

Competency 7:
-Communicate effectively through the appropriate application of grammar, punctuation, spelling, writing mechanics, and professional tone, while adhering to APA formatting and style.
-Integrate sources of information related to the APA codes.
-Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
-Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

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