Identify an ethical issue facing the Army from a leader’s perspective.

Identify an ethical issue facing the Army from a leader’s perspective. Describe the root cause of this issue and its impact on the Army. Then offer a recommended solution using the ethical lenses. The assignment must address the root cause, the impact on the Army and demonstrate how you derived your solution (recommendation) using all three of the ethical lenses.
Write a no less than 1300 and no more than 2000 word essay (not including cover and references page) using at least four scholarly sources as references and a Minimum of four Level One Headings counting the conclusion.

*Must use all 3 ethical lenses to view the solution for feasibility and provide final recommendations
* Paper must be written in 3rd person

Example template is attached

Possible references:

Kem, J. (n.d.). Ethical decision making: Using the “ethical triangle.”.


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