Unit VII Final Research Paper Assignment objective: In this assignment, you will produce your final paper with the addition of the counterargument and conclusion paragraph, your revised introduction paragraph and developed body paragraphs, and a references page with at least three sources.
Length: The overall paper should be 1,300 to 1,500 words, not counting the references page. References: At least three sources are required, and at least one must come from the CSU Online Library. All sources should be academically credible (academic journals, eBooks, periodicals, organizational websites, etc.) and no more than 5 years old. Use APA Style 7th edition standards to format the reference citations for each source. Details: In this assignment, you will transition the outline you created in Unit IV into at least three body paragraphs; be sure to implement your professor’s suggestions and feedback from the Unit IV assignment. You will also write the paper’s counterargument and conclusion.
The paper should include all the following components (in order): Title page Introduction Body paragraphs Counterargument Conclusion References page Introductory Paragraph: Include approximately six sentences. The introduction paragraph serves to introduce the topic and the paper’s thesis statement. Make the suggested revisions based on the feedback you received in Unit IV. Body Paragraphs: Include at least three paragraphs. Transition the outline of the body you produced in Unit IV to full paragraph form to support the paper’s thesis (revisit Unit VI lessons on transitions and cohesion).
Each body paragraph should address one of the justifications of the thesis statement’s position. Counterargument: Include approximately six to seven sentences. Introduce an argument that opposes the argument made in the thesis statement and then refute it (revisit Unit VI lessons on introducing a counterargument).
Conclusion: Include approximately six sentences. Bring the paper to a close by emphasizing the importance of the issue and the controversy and answer the “so what?” question. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. The Sample Final Research Paper shows the correct layout and format for this assignment. Submission: Save the submission as a Word document or PDF and upload the document to Blackboard. Grading: The Unit VII Final Research Paper will be graded according to following rubric categories: introduction, quality of discussion, organization, writing mechanics, and APA Style. This assignment is worth 30% of your overall grade for the course.
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