“In what way do you feel that the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, will or will not change higher education?

Complete your essay answering the following question:

“In what way do you feel that the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, will or will not change higher education?

If you assess it will not change, provide reasons why not. If you assess it will change higher education, describe how and whether the change will be for the better or worse. Finally, describe how you have (or have not) used generative AI in your own education journey, and why or why not?”

The essay will not exceed two pages at 1.5x line spacing 1″ inch margins, Calibri font, 12 pt.

Applicants will submit their essay as a PDF.

The filename of your essay will use your application code followed by _essay


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