Develop a thesis on a piece of writing. Write a research paper using MLA research format.

Justification of the Research Paper: Class Objectives: Write research-based critical papers about the assigned readings in clear and grammatically correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature. Provide the student practice in the use of the MLA research format by using library databases for both print and online sources. Essay Overview: Write a research-based critical … Read more

Consider how you will use all of these texts. Will they primarily be a way to introduce the conversation? Will they be a main focal point of your argument?

Overview In this unit we’ll discuss critical thinking and how it applies to visual media literacy. We’ll read multiple excerpts from Critical Thinking, which give us tools to observe and think critically about the visual information we consume – specifically images like memes and satiric/political cartoons on social media and news outlets. We’ll also read … Read more

Create a marketing plan for a health care organization using competitive analysis that meets customer needs.

Lakeside Hospital has just received approval from the hospital board of directors to expand the current hospital to include a pediatric emergency care and hospital for children. Lakeside Hospital is located in Rochester, Minnesota. Your marketing team has been asked to develop a marketing plan for the new pediatric hospital to present to the senior … Read more

Choose your submission type from the options listed there. Complete the assignment for the chosen Submission Type.

Submit Assignment Unlimited Attempts Allowed Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience transforming data into information by creating effective visualizations. You will use what you learned from the module learning objectives to create visualizations based on stock market information. You are free to use either Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Microsoft … Read more

Define and describe the topics, citing real-life examples of their uses. Critique the pros and cons of the topics.

Every paragraph must be at least 5 sentences long. Please add a second space after each sentence. Please make sure all references are only on the body sentences of a paragraph and not in the first or last sentence of a paragraph For this assignment, research two contemporary accounting topics: 1. valuation of digital assets … Read more

Create an interactive animated visualization that allows users to find when their name (or someone else’s name) was most popular.

In this exercise you will be using Tableau Public to create an interactive animated visualization that allows users to find when their name (or someone else’s name) was most popular. Before Starting: See the Setup instructions in the module You need to sign up for Tableau Public and install Tableau Public Desktop Complete the introductory … Read more

 Prepare Two Different Perceptual (or Positioning) Maps in one or two markets/industries of your choice.

 Prepare Two Different Perceptual (or Positioning) Maps in one or two markets/industries of your choice. First, pick one or two industries or markets (except the “fast food industry”! Bonus points for originality!) and make sure that you know enough about multiple products in this market/ industry– both local and global. Second, using the XL positioning/perceptual … Read more

Write a 1-page detailed description of the problem, the issue, or the conflict, providing adequate history, influencing events, and involved participants in a Microsoft Word document.

The assignment for Week 1 is based on the readings of the week, in which you learned that leadership needs to be fluid in this changing environment because there is much change and adaptation required in our current healthcare organizations. This fluidity has led to multiple problems, issues, and conflicts in the workplace that are … Read more