How do leadership styles and models influence decision-making processes and organizational outcomes?

Discussion post should at least 250 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Please do not use AI….Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within the five years) scholarly journal articles. Journal articles should be referenced according to the current APA style. Please no charts or … Read more

What form of organizational justice, if any, do you need to manage?

Exam Content Question For this assignment, prepare a 5- to 7-page strategic performance improvement plan. Include the following: Briefly explain your organization’s: Vision Mission Goals Define quality. Define the problem: What is the problem? Who is involved? How does it impact different levels of the organization? Employees Teams Management Leadership Customers Who are your champions? … Read more

220 words on political actors and actions-provide a 2nd stimulus (which ultimately was passed at the end of December 2020).

1. Watch the video clip concerning the end of the 2019 government shutdown (the link for the video is in the end). 2. Because of our form of government, policy actors must be able to come to agreement. want you to consider whether it is an acceptable negotiating strategy to threaten (and actually) shut down … Read more

What is the film about, and why do you think the filmmaker made the film? What issue or issues was the filmmaker trying to address?

Film: Green border 2023 The film reaction should be about two pages long (about 500-600 words). The primary issues you should address in a film reaction are: 1) What is the film about, and why do you think the filmmaker made the film? What issue or issues was the filmmaker trying to address? 2) Why … Read more

Research Proposal 1500 words-In part 1, you will mainly focus on introduce the Summary of Key Sources, Literature review (in 1-3 paragraphs to combine all literature key concepts – do not review each literature one by one), Theoretical Framework, Core Theories and Scholars, Contributions to Field.

Read my reading list and instruction for the research proposal. Write a 1500 words proposal part 1 (excluding reference page). In part 1, you will mainly focus on introduce the Summary of Key Sources, Literature review (in 1-3 paragraphs to combine all literature key concepts – do not review each literature one by one), Theoretical … Read more

Why or why not? Are there other stakeholders (people involved) that you need to consider? What if there was only one person in the self-driving vehicle, and there were three pedestrians?

For this case study, you will imagine that you are an engineer for a company that is developing self-driving technology for automobiles. Your technology will allow a vehicle to be driven without a driver under ordinary conditions. The vehicle will stay in its lane, keep a safe distance to other vehicles, stop at red lights … Read more

STRATEGIES FOR THE FINAL PROJECT-Explain to your peers/director how to use the EPIC Strategy to advocate for a cause.

PLEASE FOLLOW THESE STEPS CAREFULLY FOR THE FINAL PROJECT .Examples of strategies for the final project Cycle 1: Explain to your classmates/parents/director how children explore and learn through discovery. Cycle 2: Explain to your colleagues/director how to find a quality curriculum. Cycle 3: Explain to your colleagues/director how to Create a Professional Development Plan. Cycle … Read more

Identifying figurative language or techniques (explain using evidence) based on 2nd question story

Please answer the Following questions From Killing Birds , Knock On The Door and Poems in word File.(one page answer) Choosing two texts and explaining how they work together to express a common idea/theme based on the Killing Birds, Knock on The Door and Poems in word File Summarise the Story Our Last, Impossible Conversation … Read more