Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Do not relate the metaparadigms to the theory you have chosen.

Your “Personal Philosophy and Theoretical Concepts” Paper is due this week. Your paper should contain the following sections: Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. This does not include future goals. The Four Metaparadigms: Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment. … Read more

Health and Medicine-Does the DSM pathologize normal behavior? Consider premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

P–Z: Does the DSM pathologize normal behavior? Consider premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In mainstream media, this disorder has often been described as “extreme PMS.” Consider minor depressive disorder. Does not everyone feel sad or down at some point during their life? Does this mean that such a person has a psychological disorder? This is one page, … Read more

How do advertisers use their tactics (rhetoric, signs and cultural myths) to convince consumers to buy the product or idea?

Please note: You may use the same advertisement and the same writing from your discussion if you like! You may also change the information if you prefer. Topic: Many of the discussions for our class explore issues surrounding consumption and advertising. One common thread in the readings is how advertisers use rhetoric and our fears/desires … Read more

Health and Medicine-In mainstream media, this disorder has often been described as “extreme PMS.” Consider minor depressive disorder. Does not everyone feel sad or down at some point during their life?

P–Z: Does the DSM pathologize normal behavior? Consider premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In mainstream media, this disorder has often been described as “extreme PMS.” Consider minor depressive disorder. Does not everyone feel sad or down at some point during their life? Does this mean that such a person has a psychological disorder?

Give clear description with supporting details-Providing your notes indicates active involvement and participation with the course materials.

1) Take notes of chapter reading. You are required to submit the notes you’ve taken from the chapter readings and lecture materials. This is a required step in order to gain access to the Chapter 1 homework assignment. Providing your notes indicates active involvement and participation with the course materials. 2) once the notes are … Read more

You will be able to utilize knowledge learned about nursing theorists and their application in nursing. (LO6) Task(s): Choose a theorist/theory of choice that integrates the nursing metaparadigm (refer to the Nursing

The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the significance of the metaparadigm of nursing in your professional practice and include examples for each concept: Person, Health, Environment, and Nursing . You will be able to utilize knowledge learned about nursing theorists and their application in nursing. (LO6) Task(s): Choose a theorist/theory of choice … Read more

Nursing Question-In this essay, you are open to writing about yourselves, your family members, friends, or a personal experience you have had

Introductory Descriptive Essay (500 to 600-word count) The first assignment in ENC-1101 focuses on the personal experiences you have encountered. In this essay, you are open to writing about yourselves, your family members, friends, or a personal experience you have had. This is to get to know you as students. Just have fun with writing … Read more

In your state, who is allowed to have an individual involuntarily hospitalized? How would your supervisor be involved in this process?

Case Study: Tom is a counselor in a community mental health center. For the last two weeks he has been seeing a client named Bob, who is a junior in high school. Bob comes to the center one day each week, walking from school to his sessions and then walking home afterward. This afternoon, Bob … Read more

How will you intentionally and consistently practice self-assessment to ensure your ethical responsibility to wellness?”

Your paper should be constructed with three (3) parts. Part 1 (two pages): Please include a true moral conflict (Abortion counseling for a graduate student who states that it just does not fit her lifestyle right now) Discuss the reason this value is important to you. Include biblical principles that support your value, please include … Read more