Psychology-evaluate information and literature relevant to children, young people and families

Learning outcomes This TMA will help you to achieve the following learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding recognise the contested, changing and diverse experience of work with children, young people and families Cognitive skills critically engage with the social issues that affect children, young people and families Key skills communicate effectively and appropriately in writing, producing … Read more

Understanding Psychopathology-Provide a review of the video and how learning about this subject provides significance to the field of Psychology or a subfield of psychology.

Psychopathology Is Relatable Provide a review of the video and how learning about this subject provides significance to the field of Psychology or a subfield of psychology. Grading: To complete the discussion post for full credit, follow the instructions below: A minimum of one complete paragraph for your answer. Note: a paragraph is a writing … Read more

Nursing Question-For this assignment you must present an Evidence Table of a nursing research article. An evidence table is a way of taking articles that work for a topic you are researching and putting them together to parse through the evidence they present.

For this assignment you must present an Evidence Table of a nursing research article. An evidence table is a way of taking articles that work for a topic you are researching and putting them together to parse through the evidence they present. This allows you to: break down the details of each article, its methodology, … Read more

Your education background — what degrees have you earned and what colleges or universities have you attended?

Take this opportunity to get to know you a little better. So this weeks discussion will be an introduction. Please post your Introduction so that we know you are here and ready to go. This is where our learning community begins. Please introduce yourself and respond to the profiles posted by other students. The intent … Read more

Consider social and political issues that affect you in your culture and region to make that the subject of your work.

View this video of Shirin Neshat’s work on YouTube: Shirin Neshat created a series of works titled Women of Allah that incorporate text on photographs of Islamic women. Neshat was born and raised in Iran, and she moved to the United States to study art as well as to escape the unrest that was happening … Read more

Health and Medicine-provides detailed samples of what type of information should be included in each category of the Evaluation Table.

Using a two-step process evaluate and synthesize the external evidence results from two (2) of the strongest external studies retrieved during the search of the literature that supports the intervention of the PICOT question. These are the studies that answer the chosen PICOT question and directly relate to the chosen intervention. The studies must be … Read more

Conduct an internet search to locate a criminal case that has taken place within the last 10 years.

WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT: APPLYING THEORIES OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Applying Theories of Criminal Behavior This week you read about the different theories of criminal behavior: sociological, biological, and psychological. As with most areas of psychology, our behaviors are not products of one influence but rather a combination of influences. This is often referred to as the … Read more