Discuss how your chosen modality furthers your own research goals and claims.

Complete a Scholarship of Integration project using one of the following modalities: Scholarly writing Writing to a lay audience PowerPoint/Keynote/VoiceThread presentation  (or see Presentation Tools page for more options) Video Audio (e.g., podcast, with accompanying visuals) Your project should include: A clear statement of your POP.  My POP is exploring the discipline of African American middle school … Read more

Determinants of Health-What are the expectations of society to manage the health of individuals?

  Although inequalities in income and education underlie many health disparities, the poor are sometimes held responsible for their health status. For instance, Dr. Ichiro Kawachi, a Harvard University professor and social epidemiologist, reports that the ability to avoid negative health behaviors such as smoking and eating unhealthy foods depends on the access to “income, … Read more

Evaluate how each AI ethics approach bridges the gap between theoretical ethical frameworks and practical implementation in real-world AI systems.

Complexities of Implementing AI Ethics Summarize each of the three AI ethics approaches discussed in the article, “Reflections on Putting AI Ethics into Practice: How Three AI Ethics Approaches Conceptualize Theory and Practice”. Evaluate how each AI ethics approach bridges the gap between theoretical ethical frameworks and practical implementation in real-world AI systems. Reflect on … Read more

Mental health acute care collaborative care plan-Develop a detailed plan for addressing these challenges when creating collaborative care plans with consumers.

Mental health acute care collaborative care plan This task asks yOu to critically engage with the study by Reid et al. (2018) on consumers’ perspectives of collaborative care planning in acute inpatient units. Your response should address challenges identifed in the study and propose solutions grounded in contemporary mental health approaches. Structure your response into … Read more

Consider the formal elements of narrative fiction covered in class this semester and draw on the critical terminology we have covered – as appropriate.

Essay Assignment construct a close-reading-based analysis that advances an interpretive argument regarding one of the core themes of a single fictional text. You may write about one of the texts we have looked at this semester or a different work that you clear with . Consider the formal elements of narrative fiction covered in class … Read more

What were some of the more prominent non-verbal behaviors displayed by your partner throughout the face-to-face conversation? How did non-verbal communication affect the meaning of their messages?

For this assignment you need to write TWO 2-3 page paper for different point of view just come up with something sports related like football For conversation #1, you need to talk face-to-face. For conversation #2, you need to conduct your conversation through a mediated form of communication (for ex: Zoom, Facetime, facebook messenger, texting, … Read more

Demonstrate how the citations support the point(s) you are making. This will help you prepare for synthesis (looking across multiple studies) rather than a simple point-by-point (reporting) approach.

Social learning and media usages affects criminal behaviors 1. First, give a brief overview of what your paper topic is and what you will accomplish in the paper (thesis statement) 2. Use headings to group the major themes (and subthemes) you will cover in the paper. Be specific with your headings and check that they … Read more

A Study of Environmental, Social, and Governance Principles-Consult your statistics textbook for details. 2)Here are couple of requests/questions concerning your master’s thesis: when do you plan to submit the thesis?

A Study of Environmental, Social, and Governance Principles That’s up to you to decide. It depends on the margin of error you are willing to tolerate for the estimates you make, and whether that’s a reasonable margin of error. Consult your statistics textbook for details. 2)Here are couple of requests/questions concerning your master’s thesis: when … Read more

Prepare a report in Quantitative Methods. The work should be 1,000 words. we have to answer a question and an appropriate approach would be a research driven Fermi style investigation.

Business and Economics Prepare a report in Quantitative Methods. The work should be 1,000 words. we have to answer a question and an appropriate approach would be a research driven Fermi style investigation. We have to include graphs and the teacher suggested to use Python to make the graphs but other software are allowed as … Read more