Pick ONE of the myth topics in the “Myths and Misconceptions” page in this module as a thesis. This MUST be in your first sentence. For example “(Myth you chose) is not true.”

This discussion will integrate knowing how to use literature to support claims and opinions.
There are many controversial points surrounding drug use. It is important to be able to support your opinion with research and clearly communicate your findings. This will help you to challenge biases you may have as well as prove your point is not just an opinion. Most of us know illegal drug use is bad for the human condition. This assignment will help you to learn to PROVE your opinions.

You will be the researcher to find “proof” for an addiction claim.
Use the module pages on how to support opinions on how to prove points in writing-both essays and presentations. Knowledge is power in health so have fun learning to be a health detective!!


STEP 1: Pick ONE of the myth topics in the “Myths and Misconceptions” page in this module as a thesis.
This MUST be in your first sentence. For example “(Myth you chose) is not true.”

STEP 2: Find two acceptable reference sources to support the chosen thesis with facts.

STEP 3: Write a post with the format: thesis>support x2 >conclusion. It should look similar to my Post

STEP 4: YOU MUST Include two properly written references (APA style). There are examples of this How to Reference in the misinformation unit.

STEP 5: Reply to a peer.
EXAMPLE: You post should resemble this. I am using a different myth! Here is my post:

Myth: Early drug use is ok since it is just kids experimenting with lighter substances like alcohol or marijuana.
Early drug use being safe is not true. Early drugs, sometimes called gateway drugs, do contribute to more powerful drugs as well as impact the developing brain. Marijuana is legal but can serve to sensitize the developing brain to dopamine receptors and cravings (Panlilio et al). Early alcohol use is correlated to an increase in lifetime alcohol use and alcoholism. If alcohol use began by 14 years, there was a 47% rate of dependance vs only 9% rate of dependance if the user drank at 21 years .(NIAA)
Early substance experimentation, even with adult legal substances such as marijuana and alcohol, poses unique risks to young people such as altering neurotransmitter receptors and increasing the risk of later dependency.
1.Panlilio LV, Zanettini C, Barnes C, Solinas M, Goldberg SR. Prior exposure to THC increases the addictive effects of nicotine in rats. Neuropsychopharmacol Off Publ Am Coll Neuropsychopharmacol.
2.NIAA, Early drinking linked to higher lifetime alcoholism risk. 2009Links to an external site.

A classmate reply (Tyler)
Myth: Most people with true alcohol and drug addiction are not employed.

There is no truth to this myth. That’s what makes it a myth. People with full-time jobs and those at all other work levels are affected by addiction. About 70% of people with substance use disorders have a job, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Also, when they are employed, workers with substance use disorders have higher absence rates and reduced productivity, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA).
To sum everything up, addiction is not limited to jobless people. It may have an effect on workers, forcing the need for increased awareness and help across all types of jobs.

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