Prepare Two Different Perceptual (or Positioning) Maps in one or two markets/industries of your choice.

 Prepare Two Different Perceptual (or Positioning) Maps in one or two markets/industries of your choice.

First, pick one or two industries or markets (except the “fast food industry”! Bonus points for originality!) and make sure that you know enough about multiple products in this market/ industry– both local and global.

Second, using the XL positioning/perceptual map template I uploaded below, you then create two different positioning or perceptual maps using different attributes/determinants (low high quality, fruity, not fruity, etc) that are relevant to your industry/market (something that make sense!). Please do not take Price and Quality together! Use at least 5 products companies.

Copy and paste your maps on a DOC file, convert it into PDF and briefly explain and justify your choices of determinants in both axes. Again, submit in PDF please! The 2 maps should look professional.


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