State your PICO/PIO question. Use the one you created in Module 3 or use a revised PICO/PIO question. The work you do here will help you with your final paper.

State your PICO/PIO question. Use the one you created in Module 3 or use a revised PICO/PIO question. The work you do here will help you with your final paper.

PICO Question: In postpartum women who have undergone a cesarean section (Population), how does early nurse-led mobilization (Intervention) compared to delayed mobilization (Comparison) affect postoperative recovery outcomes such as pain, mobility, and length of hospital stay (Outcome)

2. Using the general search strategies you learned in the JH Searching the Literature Course, find 3 of the highest levels of evidence that support the PICO/PIO you wrote.
3. Complete and attach the JHEBP evidence table to your post: Appendix G_Evidence Summary Tool Download Appendix G_Evidence Summary Tool
4. Include a reference list for all 3 sources of evidence at the end of your post using APA 7th edition.

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