States the topic, the ethical dilemma in closed question format, two additional questions on topic/dilemma and the thesis statement based on the ethical dilemma.

States the topic, the ethical dilemma in closed question format, two additional questions on topic/dilemma and the thesis statement based on the ethical dilemma.

Paragraph 2
Student provides a clear summary of preapproved source(s) to respond to questions posed in the introduction and shows a clear connection to the topic and ethical dilemma, using APA in-text citations properly, with no more than one direct quote. This must be 12-15 sentences in length.

Paragraph 3
Student provides a clear summary of preapproved source(s) to respond to questions posed in the introduction and shows a clear connection to the topic and ethical dilemma, using APA in-text citations properly, with no more than one direct quote. This must be 12-15 sentences in length.

Paragraph 4
Student discusses two opposing viewpoints/courses of action, that could be used to resolve the ethical dilemma. The student must use critical thinking skills based on their research, but, must develop these positions on their own, not using source material. The student needs to expand on each viewpoint proposed by explaining one advantage and one disadvantage for each viewpoint. This must be 10-15 sentences in length.

Paragraph 5
Student begins the paragraph with their well constructed thesis statement (from the introduction). Student must support their thesis with two ethical concepts, laws, theories, codes of ethics, discussed in the course, using their textbook for in-text citations. The course supports used should be paraphrased from the text and not quoted. The material used to support the thesis, must show a clear connection to the ethical dilemma and the viewpoint/course of action chosen by the student. This must be 12-15 sentences in length.

Conclusion (Paragraph 6)
Student must conclude by discussing the significance of this topic/dilemma to healthcare and how improving it will benefit all stakeholders affected. This should be a well organized discussion of the student’s assessment of their research, using critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills. This must be 10-15 sentences in length.


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