This assignment must be entered in the TPA portfolio in Chalk & Wire/Anthology. ( You need to create this portfolio. See the home page & directions in the module folder–see “resources.”)
Hint: Read the task, rubric & review samples before starting look on bottom of page
Task 1: Learners and Environment
Effective teachers have a strong understanding of their students in order to make sound and research-based instructional decisions that promote student development and learning. To truly understand their students, they must have a deep awareness of students’ life experiences as shaped by their families, communities, and school and appropriately reflect upon this knowledge to guide their practice.
Teacher Candidates will prepare a 3–5-page written report in which they describe responses to Parts 1, 2 and 3 below. Teacher Candidates should take caution in using professional language that presents the characteristics factually and without judgment. The information gathered for this project should remain confidential. Teacher Candidates should use initials or professional pseudonyms for the school, teachers, and students.
Part 1 – Knowledge of Learning Environment: Teachers work with all students to create a dynamic learning environment that supports achievement and growth. Your response will indicate what is known about the classroom, school, and community and how it may impact student learning.
Respond to the following regarding the community:
Describe the diversity of the communities from which the students are drawn. Information on a variety of forms of diversity such as race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, languages spoken, religious affiliations, political affiliations, and geography.
Describe the community resources that are available within the neighborhoods from which the students are drawn (libraries, religious organizations, after school programs, athletic programs, arts and cultural centers, social services, extra-curricular activities, etc.).
Respond to the following regarding the school:
Describe the school setting (rural, urban, suburban, private, public, etc.) and your role in the classroom.
Describe the organization of the school. Identify features such as the number of classrooms, teachers, students; and the special services available including library, computer lab, offices, gym, lunchroom, student support services, extra-curricular activities, etc.
Respond to the following regarding the classroom:
Describe how specific classroom routines and procedures meet the specific learning needs of individual students.
Describe how classroom rules and consequences meet individual student needs or ways in which they have been modified to meet individual student needs.
List the classroom rules and consequences for noncompliance.
Describe the individual and group extrinsic and intrinsic incentives in the classroom.
Identify the strategies used to develop and promote positive relationships with students, among classmates, and with families.
Describe the organization of the classroom. This may include information such as the furniture in the classroom, seating arrangements, technology, displays, bulletin boards, windows, orientation of teacher space, etc.
Part 2 – Knowledge of Students: Teacher candidates will demonstrate the ability to assess student’s individual needs within the classroom and identify appropriately aligned research-based practices to incorporate into planning that promotes student development, learning, and achievement. Your response will describe the students in this class and what is known about the prior learning.
Respond to the following regarding the students:
What is the grade level and how many students are in the class?
What are similarities and differences among student diversities, including racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic, gender, family structure, and socio-economic?
What are the learning characteristics of the students (academic ability, developmental, exceptionality, learning styles, motivational factors, behaviors, etc.)?
What do you know about the students’ prior learning and how will that affect your instructional approach?
Part 3 – Reflection
Thinking about this classroom environment and its impact on student engagement, learning, and motivation, identify specific examples of what you feel works well and why?
Describe changes you would make if this were your own classroom based on your observation and experience with this classroom placement.
Describe how the information gathered about the students and the learning environment influence your planning for instruction.
Hint: Read the task, rubric & review samples before starting.
Learners and Environment Rubric
Knowledge of Students
The candidate acquires knowledge of each student and demonstrates knowledge of student development and learning to promote achievement for all students.
The report provides little or no information about the classroom culture and student characteristics and diversities.
The report provides information about the classroom culture inclusive of a description of some student characteristics and/or diversities (i.e., race, gender, ethnicity, ability, language, religion, socioeconomic status, etc.)
The report provides information about the classroom culture inclusive of a description of several student characteristics and/or diversities (i.e., race, gender, ethnicity, ability, language, religion, socioeconomic status, etc.)
Knowledge of Learning Environment
The candidate recognizes factors within the community, district, school, and classroom that impacts student learning, growth, and achievement
The candidate fails to identify factors that impact student learning, growth, and achievement.
The candidate identifies some factors found within the community, district, school, and/or classroom that impact student learning, growth, and achievement.
The candidate identifies several factors found within the community, district, school, and/or classroom that impact student learning, growth, and achievement.
The candidate reflects on information gathered and considers how these factors may impact their teaching.
The candidate fails to identify or identifies limited connections between information gathered and how this will influence their instructional practice.
The candidate identifies connections between information gathered and how this will influence their instructional practice.
The candidate identifies research-based connections between information gathered and how this will influence their instructional practice.
Writing Conventions
The candidate’s professional writing illustrates clarity and precision of ideas; accurate and appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation; and APA referencing.
The candidate expresses facts, ideas, and opinions in a vague and/or disjointed manner. The submission contains several major grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.
The candidate expresses facts, ideas, and opinions quite clearly. The submission contains several minor grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.
The candidate expresses facts, ideas, and opinions clearly, concisely, and convincingly. The submission contains little or no grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.
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