The Mind and Mental Health in Horror-discuss how each of these films conform, modify or abandon standard approaches to these conditions.

3-5 pages, double-spaced. (750-100 words)
Standard essay format
No research required; but if used, it must be correctly cited.
MLA or APA style (your choice)
Papers automatically run through plagiarism software to confirm originality.
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Graded for level of insight, quality of support, clarity, and grammatical correctness.
Assignment Overview

In this unit, MIND, we have looked at several films that touch on aspects of the mind: Altered States, The Shining, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Dead Zone. These conditions include (in order of films listed and viewed): Hallucinatory psychosis, schizophrenia or alcohol use disorder, nightmare disorder, and a belief in extrasensory perception (potentially a form of psychosis itself),

– In standard essay format (an introduction, body paragraphs with topic sentences, and a conclusion) discuss how each of these films conform, modify or abandon standard approaches to these conditions. Consider how these films enrich or distort our understanding of these mental diseases and processes, for better or worse.

– Your thesis statement (placed in your introduction) should form a conclusion about whether these films create awareness and empathy for mental health issues or instead stigmatize and distort social understanding of these conditions.

– In your body paragraphs, use real examples from the movies and Module 1-4 readings to support your claims. Your concluding paragraph will sum up the insights you provide in your body paragraphs and restate your thesis statement in new words.

There is no need to do any additional research; however, if you do use outside sources, be sure to cite them.

Corresponding Files/Websites for Citations:
Altered States: Richards- Psychedelic Frontiers in Medicine
The Shining: ShiningDavidMikiks
The Dead Zone:

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