Using this topic-Changes that Occurred in Principalship due to the unpresented Covington -19 Pandemic from the perspective of Middle and High School Principals

1. Using this topic-Changes that Occurred in Principalship due to the unpresented Covington -19 Pandemic from the perspective of Middle and High School Principals
Each of the 10 sources should be listed in ABC order (by author last name) and include each of- peer reviewed and must be five years or newer.
the following elements:
1. The full reference in APA style
2. The problem being studied
3. The purpose of the study

Each of the 10 sources should be listed in ABC order (by author last name) and include each of
the following elements: include the doi- cite ex.
1. The full reference in APA style
2. The problem being studied
3. The purpose of the study
4. The theoretical framework which drove the study (if any)
5. A descriiption of the participants
6. The data collection instruments used
7. The methods used
8. The findings/results
9. Your evaluation of the study
10. The relevance of the study as it relates to your planned research

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