What are three of the five wrong motives for multiplying new, healthy churches?


1. Health of Churches

(Answers should correspond to Planting Healthy Churches, pp 89-126)
(Answers to questions should be a minimum 5 sentences in length)
(Original Content Only) (APA Citations are a must) (in-text citations are a must)
(Complete the Questions Below)

(The text for answering the questions is attached below)
Students will complete a journal consisting of responding answers to the weekly questions from Planting Healthy Churches. The first half of the journal will be submitted in Week 4 and the second half will be submitted in Week 8.

The journal questions should be examined and explored each week, with the student providing deep reflection, insight and prayerful responses. Each week’s questions correspond to the assigned week’s reading with Planting Healthy Churches. Answers should be minimum of 5 sentences, but do not need to be comprehensive. However, a good response should express thoughtfulness, contemplation, and knowledge transference. See Course for Planting Healthy Church Questions document.
Planting Healthy Churches | Questions
Compiled Journal Part I

Chapter 2 Why Multiply Healthy Churches?

1. What are three of the five wrong motives for multiplying new, healthy churches?

2. List five biblical reasons for multiplying new churches.

3. Explain the term “missio Dei” in relation to church multiplication.

4. What do you think the author means when he writes, “God chooses his people to be
his instruments of love in the search of the nations”?
5. What is the main purpose of God’s covenants with his people and how does this go
beyond the mere forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life?
6. Why is the multiplying of new, healthy churches not optional for the people of God?
7. In understanding the incarnation, how does the fact that “God became flesh among
humanity” speak of how we, as his disciples, should live?

8. Explain the role of the Holy Spirit in the multiplying of new, healthy churches.

9. Why does the author refer to the Holy Spirit as being like the central nervous system
of the body and how does this affect believers and their task in multiplying new churches?
10. Describe how the local congregation is the primary agent of the Kingdom of God, that the church and the kingdom are not synonymous.

11. Explain what the author means by “Multiplying new churches” is “the penultimate
goal of God’s mission.”

Chapter 3 Church Planting in the New Testament
1. Describe how Jesus prepared his disciples for missionary work.
2. Which books of the Bible contain a commissioning statement from Jesus to his
disciples? What are the key texts?

3. What is significant about the “sending” of the disciples by Jesus in the Gospel of John?

4. Describe the concept of “witness” in the book of Acts.

5. Did the Twelve disciples have a mission strategy? Explain.
6. List several elements of Paul’s overall mission strategy.

7. Roland Allen lists several characteristics of the cities Paul chose for ministry. What are they?

8. Identify and explain several elements of Paul’s church planting strategy.

9. Describe how the Twelve and Paul sought out “receptive” people.
10. What are some indications in the New Testament that there is a remaining missions
task for the church today?

Chapter 4 Historical Highlights of Church Planting

1. What was church planting like in the early church? Describe what the churches may
have been like. Where did they meet? What may have the services looked like?
2. How and why did Constantine change the church, and how did that affect church
3. What were the monasteries? Why did they come into existence? Who were the
Benedictines? Who were the Dominicans and Franciscans? What were the differences
between the earlier and latter religious orders? How did they effect the preservation
and spread of the church?
4. How did the Renaissance affect the church? What factors led to the Reformation?
What were the local churches inside and outside the Catholic Church possibly like?
5. Did the Reformation impact church planting? Did the local church look different?
How did persecution affect church life? How did the Radical Reformation impact
starting new churches? What was the Catholic response?
6. Who were the Puritans and Pietists? What groups emerged from these movements?
How and why did they plant churches, especially the Moravians?
7. How did the Great Awakenings affect church planting? How did the Wesley brothers
influence church planting? What did their new churches possibly look like? How did
the First Great Awakening impact church planting?
8. How did the Methodists and Baptists plant churches in North America during the 19th
century? What methods did they use?
9. How did the Great Century of Missions have an impact on church planting around
the world? How did it start? Who planted churches? Who sent missionaries? Where
did they go?
10. Who were the Pentecostals? How and why did they plant churches? Why did the
movement grow in North America and around the world? What were their
motivations? What were the three “waves of the Spirit,” and what were their
differences? How did they affect church planting?
11. Why did church planting decline in the West in the latter half of the 20th century?
What challenges have developed in the Western churches and in Western society?
12. Why did the church grow in the Majority World (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) in
the latter half of the 20th century? What does church planting look like and why has
the church been so successful in multiplying churches in that part of the world? What
is church planting like in China?
13. What does church planting look like in the 21st century? What are the trends, developments, challenges, and opportunities? How can the church adjust, especially in the West? What can we learn from the early church and the various movements throughout church history?

2. Strategic Planning
Critical Thinking Assignment (150 Points)
Organizational Staffing, Organizational Expansion, and Environmental Factors

The purpose of this discussion is to help you achieve course outcomes 3 & 4 and the module outcome 1 & 2.
As a Talent Acquisition Director, you have been asked to devise a staffing plan that will allow the organization to expand into a new global territory. The organization is a mid-size technology manufacturer that employs about 1000 workers in the US. The company specializes in manufacturing electric powered automobiles. The company would like to open two new manufacturing facilities in India and China due to the increased demand of electric automobiles in these emerging markets. Each location will need to hire at least 150 new workers for a total of 300 new employees. The organization would like to accomplish this in the next 2 to 5 years.
Develop a slide presentation that you will share with the executive team about the staffing process and assessing environmental factors that impact staffing.


For this assignment do the following:
Provide an overview of the Organizational Staffing process (workforce planning, job analysis, recruiting, and selection).
Create a report that discusses both the internal and external factors that will directly influence your organization’s workforce plan.

Choose an environmental scanning tool, such as the PESTLE, SWOT, or Scenario Analysis.

Discuss how your company will progress in meeting its global expansion considering these internal or external environmental factors. For example:

What solutions will the organization adopt if the external political environment keeps it from hiring the staff needed?

What will the organization do if there is not enough highly skilled labor to meet organizational demands?


Develop a 6-slide presentation, not including the title and reference pages, which are required.
You must include a minimum of two paragraphs of notes, within the speaker’s note section (for EACH slide), to enhance your slide and prevent clutter, realizing this is a slide presentation for leadership. You may also add audio if you choose.
APA citation is a must
This is an individual presentation; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
Include a formal references page. You must support your analysis with at least four (4) scholarly references and can include resources from this course.

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