Week 2 Discussion
Please consider and answer the following:
What do you notice about ideas of freedom in the colonial period regarding
1) immigrants
2) race
3) gender
your response to the discussion board
reply to at least one other student’s post
Example1 Lilian
During the colonial period, the concept of freedom was founded on social classes, finances, and power relations. Depending on their region of origin and intention of immigration, immigrants received varying degrees of freedom. While some wealthy European immigrants could purchase land and engage in commerce, indentured servants had to work for years to gain some degree of freedom. All African immigrants brought in through the slave trade had no freedom and were treated like property.
Freedom could also be based on race. Out of all the colonists, white colonists had the most privileges including control over laws, land, and other resources. Native Americans tried to stop colonization but ended up being put in reservations and having to deal with unjust treaties. Enslaved Black people didn’t have any rights, and could not possess land, nor were they allowed to travel without restriction.
Freedom could also be determined by gender. Men, particularly white men, had control over the political and economic spheres. On the other hand, women of every race had significantly less power than men and were largely relegated to domestic work. More freedom was afforded to women in certain Native American cultures. There was preponderance of freedom based on race, gender, and wealth.
Example 2 Lydia
One thing that stood out was that freedom was not universal during the colonial period. It was determined by one’s race, gender, and immigration status. Immigrants from powerful European countries, such as England and France, especially the rich were provided relatively high levels of freedom. Those who came as indentured servants were not so fortunate, as they had to toil for numerous years before gaining any semblance of independence. On the other hand, African immigrants, who were brought as slaves, were treated as possessions with little to no freedom.
Freedom was primarily at the mercy of race. White people were the most privileged, owning land, businesses, and even engaging in politics. On the contrary, Black people were enslaved and denied any form of justice, and even Native Americans were largely dispossessed of their territory and made to live under colonial subjugation.
It is important to remember that gender was also a deterrent to freedom, as women were always placed on a lower pedestal than men. White women were expected to devote all of their time towards household responsibilities, while enslaved Black women had to live under even more extreme conditions devoid of any personal autonomy. Some Native American tribes were more progressive and gave more rights to women. This reflects the imbalance of freedom prevalent during the colonial period.
Example 3 Vian
During the colonial period, ideas of freedom were often limited and selective, with various groups experiencing different levels of liberty.
1) Immigrants: Freedom for immigrants varied depending on their origin and social status. While some European immigrants experienced greater freedom in the colonies compared to their home countries, others, particularly indentured servants, faced restricted freedoms until they fulfilled their service contracts.
2) Race: Racial inequality was prevalent during the colonial period, with enslaved Africans and Indigenous peoples facing severe restrictions on their freedom. The institution of slavery denied basic rights and liberties to a significant portion of the population based on race.
3) Gender: Women’s freedom was also limited during this period, as they typically had fewer legal rights and opportunities compared to men. Women were often confined to domestic roles and lacked the same access to education, property ownership, and political participation as their male counterparts.
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