What is a caste system? In what ways was the racial system of the United States a caste system?

Make sure to answer every question in your own words. Also, make sure to write out each question before answering it.

Question 1
What is power? What is Inequality? How are they related?
Question 2

Think about your own life. Do you think of yourself as powerful? If so, what is the source of your power? If not, what would have to change to increase your power?

Question 3
Think of a situation in your daily life where you comply with power. Is this power legitimate or illegitimate? Explain.
Question 4
What is a caste system? In what ways was the racial system of the United States a caste system?

Video Questions
What is one way in which power played a role in the real life situations discussed in the videos?
How might a degree in sociology help you to make changes to the world around you?
Final Question
What is one new thing you learned this week from class or readings

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