What were some of the more prominent non-verbal behaviors displayed by your partner throughout the face-to-face conversation? How did non-verbal communication affect the meaning of their messages?

For this assignment you need to write TWO 2-3 page paper for different point of view just come up with something sports related like football
For conversation #1, you need to talk face-to-face.
For conversation #2, you need to conduct your conversation through a mediated form of communication (for ex: Zoom, Facetime, facebook messenger, texting, snapchat, etc.).

Conversations can be about whatever you want, but after having them you will each need to analyze the conversations in this paper.
Part 1–Introduction–give a brief introduction that sets up what the paper is about PLUS give a brief summary (1-2 sentences) of the topics covered in the conversations

Part 2–Listening Questions

What distractions/Noise did you face during BOTH conversations? (Detail the listening environments)
What impeded your ability actively listen?
Were you multitasking during either conversation and if so how did that impact your ability to listen?

Part 3–Non-verbal Questions.

What were some of the more prominent non-verbal behaviors displayed by your partner throughout the face-to-face conversation?
How did non-verbal communication affect the meaning of their messages?

Did you notice any non-verbals during the mediated conversation (ex. ALL CAPS, emojis, punctuation or lack of it, how fast/slow they responded, etc.)? If not, then why not?

Part 4–Compare each conversation.

Which conversation did you enjoy more (face to face or mediated) and why?
Which setting was more conducive to conversation?
What were the strengths and weaknesses to each setting?
Did the time of day affect your ability to have the conversations and if so in what way?

Part 5–Conclusion

What can you do to be a better interpersonal communicator?
How did you grow from this assignment?
This paper will need to be submitted through Canvas and it should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and double spaced. Spelling & grammar will be weighted and mistakes will receive significant deductions. The length of the paper should be at least 2-3 pages. Each person should submit their own paper with their own thoughts.`
Final Tips–

The quickest way to fail this assignment is to give me a detailed transcript of every thing that was said in the conversations. I ONLY need 1-2 sentences in the introduction about what topics you covered in the conversation.
Make sure you separate the COMPARISON section & the CONCLUSION sections. Do not combine them (no matter what the sample shows)
BOTH conversations feature nonverbal communication so DO NOT call the mediated conversation a “Non-verbal conversation”
In light of the above point, Parts 2 & 3 should feature notes about BOTH conversations
DO NOT write there was no nonverbal communication in the face to face conversation (this is IMPOSSIBLE)
IF you write that there was a lack of nonverbal cues (or none) for the mediated conversation then you MUST explain why they were missing. Basically what does that say that there was a lack of them? Just saying there was none with no explanation will lead to a lot of points off in that category.
Please mention your partner’s name in the beginning (or even throughout)

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