Write example essay and do outline sheetFor this module, you will develop a type of an example essay known as a critique, which is when you judge something by a set of standards.

Write example essay and do outline sheetFor this module, you will develop a type of an example essay known as a critique, which is when you judge something by a set of standards.

Your assignment is to write a critique by judging any movie, TV show, video game, book, product, service, job, or travel experience with which you are intimately familiar. Remember, this should be an opinion piece—your purpose is to convince your audience to see the film or show, play the game, buy the product, use the service, or travel to the place. Your final paper should be 2–4 typed, double-spaced pages (approximately 500 to 1000 words).

Download and carefully read the assignment: Writing an Example EssayDownload Writing an Example Essay
Complete the following steps:
Prewriting (Questioning, Freewriting, & Mapping)
Focusing, Outlining, & Drafting
Revising, Editing, & Proofreading

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